•Chapter 4•

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Marinette slowly blinked her eyes open. At first she was confused by her surroundings, but after closer inspection she remembered that this is the residence of master Fu.

What happened?

She looked to the other side and her eyes landed on none other than Adrien Agreste himself.

"Eeck." Marinette jumped. It also jolted Adrien out of his reverie. "Are you okay, Mari?"

"W-what is going on? What h-happened?" Marinette asked.

"So you don't remember, do you?"

"The last thing I remember is falling off a tall buildi-I mean falling off my bed." Marinette quickly covered up.

Adrien chuckled. How the fuck did our identities stay a secret for so long.  Baffling really.

"What's so funny?" "Oh, nothing. Just admiring your cover-up m'lady."

"Oh, okay. Well-wait what." Marinette freaked. Adrien couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing. Marinette remains frozen through the laughing fit.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Why did he call me m'lady after knowing it was a cover-up. The only explanation is- nope, nope. Gonna stop that train of thought right there.

"I'm so sorry princess, I'll stop now."

Maybe Adrien always called me princess. I just didn't notice.

"I'm just glad your save, Mari. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if my partner and love of my life died."

Okay. Now I'll just feel like an idiot if I don't acknowledge it.

"Kitty?" Marinette asked to double check her facts. "The one and only, bugginette. Oooh. I like that one. It's like a mix between ladybug and Marinette."

"There is no denying it now. You are absolutely Chat Noir."

I'll do my freak out later. This will take a good 5 hours, at least.

"What gave it away? Was it my amewzing personality?"

Marinette snorted before answering, "No, it was your bad nicknames."

Before Adrien could respond, Marinette engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. "I thought I was going to die." She whispered. It came out all muffled, because her head was in his chest. Nevertheless, he still heard her.

Adrien placed his cheek on her head and rubbed soothing circles on her back with his one hand not supporting her. "Don't worry. I'm here now and I won't let anything happen to you ever again."

Marinette lifted her head to look him straight in the eyes. "Did you save me?" Adrien bit his lip. "Actually."

"What?" "Hawkmoth saved you." Marinette laughed hysterically. "You have to be kidding me. Be serious." One look in his green eyes and she stopped. "You are being serious."

Adrien sighed. "Yes, and that's not all."
Marinette was still stuck on the whole 'Hawkmoth saving his archenemy' deal, but she let him continue. It looked like he wanted to get this of his conscience. "Hawkmoth is my father. Wow, that sounds redundant."

There was a silence. Not awkward, but not comfortable either. Somewhere in between.

"Minou, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through." Marinette hugged him again.

"It's fine. I mean, I will have to adjust to Hawkdaddy, but hopefully he wants to be less hawk and more dad now." Adrien tries to lighten the mood. When he hears her try to stifle her giggles, he knows he has succeeded.

The two grown ups walk into the room to find the two teens snuggled up against each other. "Hope we aren't interrupting anything, but I'm glad to see you are feeling better, Ladybug." Fu made his presence known.

Startled by the sudden noise, Adrien and Marinette sprung apart.

"If you need privacy, I'll you need is ask." Fu continued

"No, it's fine." Marinette spoke for both teens.

The guardian went and sat on the ground, Gabriel followed, with the teens shortly after.

"I know there are many questions, but understand this. I was not there when mistress last appeared. I'll I know, I learnt through my training and of course the kwamis. I will however try to answer all the questions."

Everybody nodded in agreement.
"I think we should begin with Hawkmoth." Adrien said.

"Very well. Gabriel if you would." Fu urged.

Gabriel cleared his throat and began, "It all started when Emilie and I went to Tibet. We came across a book and two objects. At first we took it all as a game, being young and careless is a part of each individual. After an unfortunate accident, Emilie lost her mind to the miraculous. I was devastated. After Nooroo told me of a way to get her back, a wish, I was ecstatic. For so long my mission was to attain your miraculouses. I was blinded with grief. When a nightmare appeared and Nooroo told me of mistress and her mission, I couldn't stand idly by and watch her kill you. I figured out your identities a while ago. Now my attention was never to kill anyone and I'll do anything to stop that sorceress."

There was a silence hanging lowly in the air. Not one of the others knew what to say, nor do.

"W-what is the plan then." Marinette decided to change the topic.

Master Fu thought for a bit and answered with a grim expression, "There is not much we can do at the moment. The only thing that was capable of holding her prisoner wasn't strong enough."

"Maybe that was where the previous holders went wrong. We shouldn't capture her. We should destroy her. She is clearly not human. More like an entity, a spirit." Adrien stated.

"I would need to do quite a lot of  research, but in the meantime we need to eliminate her followers." Fu explained.

"How are we supposed to do that. Last time I was up against one of them, I nearly lost my life in the process."

"I will explain how in time, but first we need to get you a bigger team. The nightmares have the ability to outnumber you. Depending on the fear, of course."

Fu  saw the questioning looks directed at him and continued, "I'll tell you as soon as the entire team is active. Now, Marinette. Take the fox and turtle miraculous jewels. Adrien, take the bee miraculous jewel. You know who to give them to. Gabriel, I assume you have the peacock miraculous in your possession. So bring it to me. We need to have a private talk." Fu instructed.

Everybody nods and take their leave to fulfill their orders.

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