•Chapter 10•

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"Nathalie, what do you think?" Gabriel asked. At the current moment, both adults were standing in the lair of Hawkmoth.

"Turning this place into a training base for the new team is a splendid idea, sir." She replied.

Gabriel nodded and slowly walked to his wife. He now knew she will be gone forever. He didn't respond or do anything for a while.

Nathalie moved closer, almost hesitantly. "Sir?"

He let out a shaky breath. "We will need to move her body." He put his one hand on the glass.

It looked like she wanted to say something with her mouth opening, but she decided against it. She turned on her heels and said over her shoulder: "I'll arrange it."

The only thing being heard is the clicking of heels.

The four teens were sitting in the cafeteria. Only three of them conversing. You could only see blue hair from the fourth one. Seeing as she is catching up on the sleep she lost.

"To be honest, I have been waiting for Adrienette to sail since I first found out about her crush." Alya commented.

"You and me both." Nino said relieved. He stretched his hands above his head to indicate his relief.

"I can't believe I stood by all the crazy things she has done that involved you, Adrien." Alya had a playful smile on her face.

Now this set of information intrigued the young model. "Like what?"

Alya gave a sideways glance to Marinette. She doesn't seem to stir. Shrugging, Alya replied: "Oh you know. Her obsession."

"With me?" Adrien asked just to make sure. "No, with the other green eyed model. Who do you think? Of course it's you." Alya replied

"I'm just glad you got over Ladybug." Nino said. "Yeah." Adrien said. He didn't sound convincing at all, still they believed it.

"So tell me more about the obsession thing." Adrien urged. Marinette was awake now, but still unresponsive. Only now regaining consciousness. The first word she heard was obsession. Now she wouldn't describe her crush like that. It's more of a invested hobby, but they wouldn't see it like that at all.

"I guess you know all about the stuttering and the photos all over her walls." Alya went on to explain.

"Photos? I guess she hid them when I  visited her." As Adrien and as Chat. Adrien had as an afterthought.

"If you think that was weird, wait till you hear about your-" A hand clamped down on the brunettes' mouth.

The hand belonged to Marinette. Who up until that moment, was sitting on the opposite side of the table. Which concludes Marinettes' position to be on said table. A few heads turned in the groups' direction.

Marinette smiled sheepishly and slowly went to remove her hand. She sat once again and coughed awkwardly to indicate the show was over.

The chatter in the cafeteria started up again. "Well that was interesting." Nino stated. No one could say anything else on account of the bell ringing. Any onlooker could see a relaxed DJ, a sheepish looking blogger, a fashion designer giving the blogger the stink eye and a confused model. It was quite an amusing sight if you'd be honest.

In comparison to the lunch break scene, the rest of the school day was uneventful.

The teens said their goodbyes and parted ways. Marinette had to help her parents in the bakery. Alya had to babysit her sisters and Nino. Well he just went home to work on some new beats.

Adrien decided to walk home. He did ask his father. Now that the secret was out, Gabriel was more lenient. He still had to walk straight home though. What could he say, a person doesn't change overnight.

"Look at what we have here. An artist, please. Stop thinking that you'll amount to anything while drawing people in skintight suits." Adrien stopped dead in his tracks. The voice came from the ally in front of him.

He peeked around the corner to spot Nathaniel with three unknown guys. They looked about eighteen. The one from earlier spoke up again: "You know what. I feel quite generous today. So why don't the guys and I take that little book of your hands. No need to repay us." He reached for the book. "No!" Nathaniel jerked backwards. "Look what we have here guys. A real fighter. Let's see how long he can stand."

Adrien decided to step in before things got ugly. He walked up to them and said calmly: "Listen, I know your jealous of his artwork, but please. Stop picking a fight and go, or else."

"Or else what, pretty boy?" The one on the right asked tauntingly. "Well, let me put it in a way you could understand. If you don't leave on your own two feet, you'll be leaving in body bags. Did I make that clear enough." Adrien explained simply.

The one on the left stepped forward, but was stopped by the one in the middle, clearly the leader. He chuckled and said. "Fine, I'll let you have this one." They walked past Adrien. Bumping shoulders with him.

The leader turned around as a farewell message. "Watch your back, pretty boy."

They left and Adrien turned back to Nathaniel, who spoke up: "Thanks Adrien. I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't come along when you did."

"Don't mention it. Come on." Adrien turned around with Nathaniel left to catch up to his side.

"Why would you stand up for me?" The redhead asked. "Why wouldn't I? We are friends Nath. Hey, if you don't mind me asking. Who were those guys?" Adrien questioned.

"Not at all. The guy in the middle was Keith. The two next to him was Eric and Mark. They've been tormenting me for as long as I can remember. To be honest, I don't think I'm the only victim. Maybe now I'll be left alone. I'm not as brave as you."

"What no. You are definitely brave. Not only that, but you were the bigger person... Mightylistrater." Adrien said.

"Thanks. I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow." Adrien waved as Nathaniel walked away.

Adrien walked home, he had a smile on his face. He had one thought on his mind.

Time for an ally cat to pay an artist a visit.

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