•Chapter 15•

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There was only one word to describe this situation.


Chat decided to step in. "Guys, this is our final teammate."

Rena, Carapace, Queen Bee and La Paon all had flabbergasted expressions painted on.

Ladybug joined her boyfriend and added: "Yes, he had a change of heart and joined our struggle against Mistress. Is there a problem?"

Then, as if a switch was flipped, the outraged comments came bursting in all at once.

"Yes, I will not be working with that psycho!"

"He akumatised me, manipulated my emotions for his own sick, twisted reasons!"

"He caused so much pain to this city and now we're just going to trust the guy?!"

"He was the cause of all my bad hair days!"

It wasn't that hard to guess where the last shriek originated from. It also went without saying that everyone rolled their eyes.

"Look, I know it would be a slight adjustment, but please. We need to work together if we want to beat Mistress." Chat said while making a 'calm down' gesture with his hands.

"Slight?!" Rena shot back sassily. "Okay, huge." Chat corrected.

Carapace was the calmest out of everyone there, if you don't count Fu sitting and enjoying the cup of tee he poured through all the commotion.

"Listen dudes. I'm not too thrilled about this situation either, but the least we could do is ask for an explanation. I for one think we are at least untitled to that." Carapace stated.

As ladybugs' and Chat noirs' shoulders relaxed, Hawkmoths' tensed up.

Speaking for the first time, Master Fu said: "Well said Carapace. Now, everyone get comfortable. We have quite a lot to discuss."

Ladybug, Chat noir, Carapace sat instantly. Followed by the rest, with reluctance of course.

The nightmare kept to the shadows the night provided. It was a mindless servant to its Mistress, yet had intellectual prowess that outshined a genius anytime.

It only had one mission:

Find prey. Feast of the fear it has. Create chaos so that the heroes arrive and eliminate them.

Simple enough. The best time to hunt is at night. Where dreams can have horrific turns. Leaving the nightmare with an all-you-can-eat buffet.

It sensed fear close by. There was no emotion present on its features.

Moving at an impeccable speed, the nightmare made it to its first victim.

"I had a personal and selfish reason for toying with each of my victims' emotions. I agree with you on that La Paon. I tried to get my late wife back."

There was another silence. The difference was that this one contained less anger and confusion.

"Still, there was too much pain to just simply forget. Ladybug, Chat. How can you guys be okay with all this? That guy is practically your arch rival." Rena inquired.

Before the duo could respond, Fu said: "I have been thinking about our current predicament and I firmly believe that to move forward there must be no secrets between us. Let me start. My name is Master Fu and I am the last guardian of the miraculous."

There was a pause. "Fine. If this is what it takes, then so be it. My name is Alya Cesiare and I am the current holder of the fox miraculous. I'm an aspiring journalist and current blogger. There, whose next?" She detransformed after her little speech.

"Hi, my name is Chloe Bourgeois and I have the bee miraculous. Not much to tell, really." She also detransformed.

Nathaniel took this as his cue to talk. "Hello, my name is Nathaniel Kurtsburg and I currently own the peacock miraculous. I'm an artist and like to draw in my spare time." He detransformed.

"Hey, the names' Nino Lahiffe. I got the turtle miraculous. I wanna be a DJ when I grow up and like to listen to sick beats." He detransformed.

The easy flow stopped when it came to the other three. Nobody wanted to take the initiative. It became too real, too fast.

Ladybug gave a shy wave and finally said: "Hey everyone, my name is ma-ma-ma" she closed her mouth.

Trying to lighten the somber mood, Chat said: "Talk about déjà vu, m'lady. Wait, I just realised something. I would've known your identity a lot sooner. I was so close." He whined and fell backwards.

Ladybug giggled and replied while stroking his arm: "Oh, my poor, poor kitty. Being deprived for so long. But you know, if we knew each others' identities back then, a lot of things wouldn't have happened. Like falling in love..."

At hearing her response, he came flying up and said frantically: "Never mind m'ladybug. Everything is perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way."

The spectators all giggled at the couples' antics.

Ladybug coughed into her hand and tried again. "My name is Marinette Dupain Cheng and I'm the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous. I want to be a designer when I grow up and like spending time with my friends." It all came out rushed.

If they didn't listen intensely, they might've not caught it at all. The shock was evident on most of the faces there. Ladybug detransformed to further prove her point.

Needless to say, they all looked like fish on dry land. Marinette anxiously waited for their response. It was agony for her.

"You-I-We. Bit how. When, Why." Alya tried.

The rest didn't even try to find the words.

"Uhh, kitty. I think it's time for you to have the spotlight." Mari said pointedly.

"No thanks. I'd rather not get into the same mess your in right now." Chat declined immediately. He didn't want to say this out loud, but he didn't have the courage. Even with his super suit on.

"Chat, I wasn't asking." Marinette said through clenched teeth.

"Fine, fine. But first. How was your day, love of my life." Chat stalled.
Marinette was obviously getting agitated by his antics. "Chat, I swear. If you don't man up right now, I'll personally shove you off the Eiffel tower with your hands tied behind your back."

Chat knew he wouldn't get out of this one. So he sighed and began.

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