Death That Wasn't Natural

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Your eyes fluttered open to a new ceiling. Your back ached and it was cold. Metal? You sat up and looked behind yourself. You were laying on a prison bed.
"So, you're awake. Have a warm rest?" A man chuckled. You turned to the sound of his voice. "Handsome Jack..?" You inquired. "The one and only." He sarcastically smirked. "Hey, so uh- I'll tell ya what; you be a good girl, and I'll let you out. If you try ANYTHING, and I won't hesitate to kill you." "Is Angel okay?" You asked, completely ignoring his question. His cheeks were tinted pink. "Puh-uh yeah. She's fine. So, about my question?" He asked once again. You nodded. "Alright." He walked over to the door of your cell, unlocking it and guiding you out like a gentleman. You paused. "What about my friends?" You asked with a black stare, already knowing the answer. "Haha, about thattt~..." He rubbed the back of his neck, nervous as to how you'll react.
A single tear slowly slid down your cheek as you walked aimlessly, just wanting to be alone. "C'mon Vault Hunter-!" Jack's voice followed by quick footsteps could be heard behind you. "I just want to be alone." You croaked as a flood of tears escaped from your eyelids. "You don't even know where you're- Augh..." Handsome Jack groaned in defeat, rubbing his temples with his pointer fingers.


"Sorry." You muttered, after accidentally bumping into a Hyperion guard. He put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, aren't you that Vault Hunter that Handsome Jack captured?" You nodded. "So you don't know your way around? Well, I can show you the break room, you look tired. There should be a pot of coffee brewing." You could sense his polite smile through his yellow mask. As you nodded, he took your hand and guided you to the said break room.

He opened the glass and metal door to the break room and guided you in, almost the same as how Jack had guided you out of your cell; like a gentleman. "Hey look, the coffee's done!" He chimed while the coffee maker  beeped repetitively. He clicked a button and took the pitcher full of coffee out, pouring a glass of coffee into a mug that said "Hyperion's Best Dad". He then took out another mug with the Hyperion logo plastered on the front. Pouring the warm caffeine into the mug, he hummed. "Here you are." He passed you the mug. You immediately downed the drink and sighed in delight. "Thank you, I needed that." You beamed. The guard chuckled and nodded.

A speaker on the Hyperion guard's waist gleamed a neon blue. "ATTENTION, this message has been sent to all Hyperion guards. Please be on the lookout for a (short/tall) girl with (h/l)(h/c) hair, red eyes, and tattoo's. If you see her please make sure she is in a safe area and not near any danger." Handsome Jack's masculine voice echoed throughout the break room. "Target secured." The guard sarcastically chuckled. You nervously chuckled. "You ready to face Jack? He wont give up on you, I know that for a fact." You blushed and looked down at your combat boots. "I suppose..." You sighed in defeat. The guard nodded, hold his speaker to his mouth. "Sir, (Y/n) is in the break room and ready to accompany you." He firmly spoke into his speaker. "Great, great. I'll be there in a sec." Jack said in a calm and polite manner. Quick footsteps could be heard from the other side of the wall, and a few seconds later, you saw Handsome Jack's face pressed up against the glass of the door. Your face didn't even flinch into a smile, you just sat there with a blank face. His eyes shifted in weird ways, in which you let out a snicker. He opened the door, coming in with a sarcastically flirtatious face. "Knew ya couldn't resist me." You responded by rolling your eyes and looking into your empty coffee cup. "shut up.." You muttered. "Aw come on, pumpkin. I was just messin' with ya." He put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in. "I just want to go home.. I thought you were good, but you killed my only friends, even though I saved your daughter." You looked away from Handsome Jack's face, focusing your vision on a random wall.

Jack paused. He knew why he did it, but he couldn't say it to you. "Well, I have a room set up for you. I hope it's fit to your liking." He cleared his throat. "I would rather sleep on a couch." You sighed, still reminiscing about your dead friends. "Okay...? Well, If you need me, I'll be in my office, go straight from here and take a right." Handsome Jack said softly, going back to his office. 


"What exactly do I do here..?" You thought to yourself, walking out. Looking around, you spotted a sign that stated "OBSERVATORY" with a left facing arrow. Your eyes lit up as you jog to the sign and past. Opening the metal door, you peeped your head through and looked around. The whole room was made out of bullet proof glass. The sky was so beautiful, but not for long; a loud scream could be heard, followed by clunks and crashes.

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