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Name Jack
Age: 18
Gender male
Hight 6 feet
Weight: 190
Personality: nice kind to other likes help keep his country save kinda cocky
Looks: at the bottoms
Rank: Colonel
Alchemy: steel alchemist
Weapons: carries a few guns
Background: just like elric brothers he saw truth and gave up his right arm and his right leg to break some back to life and was given power like Elric brothers he then join military and got through ranks as a Colonel.
Other: he's know as a legendary hero and they call him boss

Name: EliAge: 26Gender: maleSexuality: straight Personality: laid back has a attitude as wellLooks: at the bottleRank: CommanderAlchemy: wind alchemistsAlchemist title name: stargust alchemistsWeapons: gunsBackground: like many he became a state a...

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Name: Eli
Age: 26
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Personality: laid back has a attitude as well
Looks: at the bottle
Rank: Commander
Alchemy: wind alchemists
Alchemist title name: stargust alchemists
Weapons: guns
Background: like many he became a state alchemist during the the civil war like many others. He hated it but kept moving forward trying to live his life there

Name ElizabethAge: 21Gender: female Sexuality: straight Personality: nice brave strong headed Looks: at the bottom Rank: LieutenantAlchemy: waterAlchemist title name: the blood water alchemistWeapons: guns and rifleBackground: She join the militar...

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Name Elizabeth
Age: 21
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Personality: nice brave strong headed
Looks: at the bottom
Rank: Lieutenant
Alchemy: water
Alchemist title name: the blood water alchemist
Weapons: guns and rifle
Background: She join the military to Hopefully change things and make things better but then start to doubt her self there. Wondering really what she was doing she doubt her self after the war.

Name: Hailee Age: 21Gender: femaleHight  5'8Weight 160Personality : she is sweet when she not on battle field but mad women in itLooks: at the bottom Rank: CaptainAlchemy: destruction alchemy Weapons: gunsBackground: she had normal life grew up an...

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Name: Hailee
Age: 21
Gender: female
Hight 5'8
Weight 160
Personality : she is sweet when she not on battle field but mad women in it
Looks: at the bottom
Rank: Captain
Alchemy: destruction alchemy
Weapons: guns
Background: she had normal life grew up and the. Join military and know she one of Luke best soldiers under his command

 Join military and know she one of Luke best soldiers under his command

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