This is anime roleplaying book or video games where you can suggest anime or video games. you would like to Roleplay. It be a make your own scenario type deal
Name: ren Age: 18 Gender: male Imperial arms/ weapons: twin swords and elements armor Imperial arms does: the elements Armor controls these elements lighting fire and earth. While one is swords can just only uses fire and other can exorbitant natural attacks like ice Occupation: capital turn to assassin Personality: kind nice to other will be shy at first does have attitude problem towards people Looks: profile pic Like: cooking food hunting hanging out with akama cooking food fishing killing evil people Dislikes: corrupt people bad peoples the minister bad food Crush: unknow Backstory: he was a very powerful Imperial officer he was around a general rank at the time. but was betrayed by minsters and had his family killed but he managed to get away and join the revolution to beat the empire. Other: unknown
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Name: Raiden Age: 17 Gender: male Imperial arms/ weapon: one sword What it does: it has 12 feet radius around it who ever steps into it will be slow down in time for 3 seconds and it has second stage where it turns into armor Occupation: assassin Personality: can be little crazy sometimes very put going will be straight forward with you is kind to his friends as well Looks: down there at bottom Likes: food killing evil people and sweets Dislikes: the empire Crush: unknown Backstory: pretty much he soles from the same back around as akama Other: has older brother who a officer in army
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Name: Ariel Age: 16 Gender: female Weapon: bow and arrows Weapon name/nick name: The piercer Occupation: Army Hunter Likes: food hunting fighting danger beast Dislikes: rebels Backstory: She was a orphan with in the capital at age of 5 . She joined the imperial army right around age 14 she quickly went through the ranks as a Captain and a user of a imperial army's know as the piercer. She could could pierce through anyone arm or through anyone defense. A special unit was put together to hunt and take down the rebel army that was know as the Army hunter with her leading the army.
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