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I'm sitting on our newly bought burgundy carpet in our apartment. The lights are off and the only sound in the room is the television and the sound of my spoon hitting the cup of my chocolate chip ice cream. 

It was Thursday, June 4th, 11:27 pm. I have a blanket covering my head as I finish my cup of deliciousness. 

I guess I didn't get the job at Thursdays with Thomas Holmes since tonight at 11:30 is the premiere of the late night show.

I tried to be optimistic about it though, it was a huge gig and I'm an amateur writer in the professional field. 

I did news writing during my high school and college years and interned for a fashion magazine; other than that my writings are kept to myself. 

I can't say I'm not surprised I didn't get the job. I don't think the job interview went as I hoped it would. Not at all as I hoped. 

First, the nerd with the emerald eyes and fluffy hair that I may or may not have slept with, I really can't recall, turned out to be one of the head writers on the show. 

My interview with him lasted for about 5 minutes and consisted of asking why I left him when he was being nice enough to cook me breakfast. 

Second, Thomas Holmes, the host of the show, took over the interview which I'm grateful for, considering he saved me from a conversation I did not want to have with Will but I don't think he likes me, just in general, the way he looks at me. 

It seems as though he already had an impression of me within the first few seconds of our meeting or maybe he's just like that with everyone.

I remembered he didn't smile at Will but he doesn't seem to mind, maybe he's used to it. 

The interview went a little like this: 

We were alone in the writer's room, Will insisted he stayed during the interview process but Mr. Holmes thought otherwise.

He's nonchalantly reading my writing packets for the show while scratching his light stubble.

He settled the papers at his desk. "You seem to be good at writing sketches Ms. Ryan, although I don't see any background on it in your resume."

He's sitting at his desk like a pharaoh in Egypt, very comfortable but also there's something dignified radiating of off him. 

"I'm a theater kid in high school. I played in musicals as well as comedy sketches, I also did news writing up until college, which I know can be of help to the show." I stated, finally having the confidence back in my voice.

He asked me all the typical interview questions -  'where are you from? where do you see yourself in 5 years? what qualities do you have that the other applicants do not? how do you know Will?'

Wait what? 

I got caught a little off guard with that last one but I answered truthfully of course, I am indeed an honest woman. "He's a friend of my cousin." 

There is no lie in it though, Harper and Phil are legit going out and they are friends, kind of. 

Meeting once is considered as friendship right? No? I guess it's just me then.

He seemed to let the question go but I can tell his eyes are still curious which left me wondering if he heard any of my conversation with Will. 

I'm kind of hoping he didn't though, I don't know why but there's something in me that doesn't want Mr. Holmes to know what happened between me and one of his head writers.

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