Mickey please...

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Why can't I just be fucking normal... I thought to myself, because of my stupid fucking bipolar, I just lost the love of my life. It's been 3 whole days, and Mickey hasn't even tried to contact me once! As I started drifting to sleep at 4 in the morning, every worst possible scenario came to my head...

What if he already has another guy and complete forgot I existed?
What if he doesn't even miss me?
What if he was glad about what happened so he didn't have to see me anymore?
What if he wanted to leave? And this was just a easy way for him to-

No ones POV

"Yo Ian, Are you still awake? Your fucking talking to yourself so loud I can hear it from my room." Lip yelled after walking into his room.
"Ya I just- I haven't been getting much sleep lately.."
"You wanna talk about it at all?"
"No I just- I just miss Mickey so fucking much and I-"
"You still fucking whining about that prick?! Ian you have to fucking move on, all he is is a South Side bitchy ass piece of shit!"

Ian knew that Lip never liked Mickey... but he was getting really sick of hearing Lip talk shit on the love of his life.
"You need to shut the fuck up ok?! At least I'm not out fucking someone knew every other day!"
"Ya because your whole life revolves around that mother fucker, he isn't good for you Ian! You know damn well you can do so much better than his fucking ass."
Lip knew what was about to happen, he could just sense it in the way Ian was staring at him.
"Say one more fucking word about him and I will knock your god damn teeth out."
"Ohhh I'm sorry mister tuff guy, at least I didn't force myself to fuck girls so I could convince myself that I was straight and so my dad wouldn't beat the shit outta me-"
And with that Ian jumped out of his bed and grabbed Lip by the arm throwing his onto the ground. He got on top of him and punched him 3 times in a row, and when Ian hesitated for 2 seconds Lip quickly got up and shoved him into the wall, causing a huge bang. He pinned Ian against the wall punching him in the stomach once before Fiona barged into the room.

"Oh well Ian hear is still complaining about his little boy toy."
"FUCK YOU LIP!" Ian shouted so loud the whole neighborhood probably heard him.
"Both of you need to calm down! Ian come here, Lip go the fuck to bed before I punch you in the face to for being an asshole."
Fiona grabbed Ian's arm and pulled him out into the hall, shutting the door behind her.
"What's going on Ian, these past few days you've been either sleeping, or bitching at everyone. I know what happened sucks, but it will blow over between you to, it always does."
"I just- I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't fucking function without that man..."
"I know Ian, just give him a few days, I promise it will all get better."
But she didn't know, she knew Ian and Mickey fought a lot but she herself has never seen them fight that bad, and she knew how bad Ian's bipolar was getting lately. If she was to be totally honest, she was scared- she was scared Ian would do something he'd regret."

(Fast forward 2 days later)

"Any luck?" Fiona asked Lip nervously.
"No, he won't fucking get out of bed, he won't even turn around and look at me."
Ian hasn't gotten outta bed in two days, and he hasn't eaten either. Whether Lip Fiona Debbie Carl or Liam wanted to believe it, Ian was slowly killing himself laying in that bed for 2 days straight.
"Look this has happened once before, and as long as we force him to eat something and keep checking on him this should all blow over soon" Fiona told the rest of the Gallagher's.

She went downstairs to make Ian breakfast and get him water, she always knew the one thing to say to him that would always get him to eat.
She made him eggs, bacon, and toast, and headed upstairs.
She walked right into his room and sat at the edge of the bed.
"Ian you have to eat."

And you have to leave me alone before I down a whole bottle of pills. Ian thought to himself but said nothing.

"Look, I didn't want it to come down to this, but if you do not eat this, I'm calling your doctor."
Ian knew what that meant, he would be dragged out of his house and sent to a mental hospital for 72 hours.

Been there. Done that.

And he most certainly didn't want to go back. So he quickly turned around grabbing the plate of food and turned back around.

He ate the food and handed the plate back to Fiona, knowing she was still there being that she wouldn't leave until she seen Ian eat all of it. She gave him a glass of water and got up.

Fiona left the room with his plate and went back downstairs. Everyone else was sitting at the table staring at her.
"Got him to eat. That's a start."

Thank god. Lip whispered to himself.

Ian laid on his side, blankets wrapped around all of him except for his head. He started to cry at the thought of Mickey walking down the street leaving the Gallagher house, it was only 5 days ago but he felt as thought he hadn't seen Mickey in years.
He grabbed him phone looking at all the texts he tried sending Mickey this past week...

Ian🔥: Mickey I'm sorry... please just fucking answer me. Just once. I love you.
No answer.
Ian🔥: Mick please! You know I didn't mean any of the shit I said to you! Just please answer me!
No answer.
And after Ian sent that last text 2 days ago he decided to finally try to call him-
I'm sorry but the person you are trying to reach has either changed or disconnected his or her number.
Mickey blocked his number.
And with that Ian through his phone across his room, probably smashing it, turned onto his side and starting to cry. He cried for 7 hours straight until it was 6:00PM, that's when he finally cried so much that he just felt defeated, and fell asleep.


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