1. Overworked

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Using your hands on the wall to guide you, you tiptoed down the carpeted stairs and into the dimly lit hallway. Following the glowing light, you peered around the arch to reveal a sleeping Alex sprawled across the leather sofa.

Like a mother would, you slightly shook your head but accompanied it with a quiet chuckle. He had been working late - he promised you he would take extra shifts to care for you since you quit your job but he always overworked himself. You insisted it was fine and you were focused on finding another job, sending in multiple CV's and letters to many different companies, restaurants and retail stores. But Alex, he was very stubborn - especially on this topic.

Working many hours took a toll on Alex, he would return home late and usually end up asleep downstairs with a half-eaten bowl of noodles in his lap. You missed him, a lot, of course but you knew this was his way of showing his love, showing he cared.

Making your way over to your sleeping beauty, careful not to make a sound, you placed a hand on his slumped shoulder. "Alex," You whispered, crouching slightly not to startle him too much. "Baby," you attempted again. He just mumbled words that you couldn't make out, his facial expressions becoming scrunched and distressed. "Baby, come on. You need to go to bed." You used your hand to gradually shake him.

You always told him to come straight to bed, he had started to suffer from neck pains. After warning him and almost scolding him it was because his head was tilted against the arm of the chair, he had shrugged it off and insisted it wasn't and that the pains 'are nothing, they'll go away  in a few days'.

"Huh?" He murmured, in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness. His eyelids lifted lazily showing his beautiful blue eyes that had you constantly weak at the knee. "Sorry, Baby." You apologises for waking him, "come to bed. Ive missed you, I need your cuddles." You pouted, hoping it would persuade his zombie state into going upstairs.

In a deep exhale, proving his exhaustion, he took his right hand to rub over your own that was massaging at his upper chest. His eyes gradually fell shut again and you sighed in defeat, "cmon," you ushered him in a delicate tone.

Instead of hosting his body up, he took a tighter grip on you, now holding your wrist to pull you on top of him. Not expecting to be tugged so strongly by a weary Alex, you fell above him in a groan, "Alex! I said cuddle in bed."

With you laid on his chest, he wrapped his muscular arms around you to keep you in his embrace. "I want a cuddle now," he mumbled into your messy bed hair. Huffing and knowing you could not escape his hug, you relaxed yourself and shimmied into a comfortable position, your ear pressed against his chest, giving you the perfect audio of his heartbeat. "I've missed you too." Alex spoke softly before turning his head and falling back into a deep well-deserved sleep.

Alex Høgh Andersen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now