4. Surprise

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DKembi requested this. Thank you for waiting so long, so sorry about that❤️

Y/N placed her left hand on her lap nervously whilst her other scratched at the back of her neck. Her golden wedding band seemed to slightly glitter in the Danish morning sun; the ring held the symbol of love, trust and eternal partnership. Yet Y/N was not so sure how her husband, Alex, would react to an addition to the family.

"You're pregnant?!" Y/N's close friend, Mark from work gasped, his pink palms smacking against his mouth.
"Shhh shut up! Shut up!" She swatted his bicep with her chewed nails with her brows tilting inward.
"This isn't good news? You're pregnant, Y/N! Oh my god, congratulations!" He laughed, wrapping his long thin arms around her sides and squeezing her.
"Mark, I don't know what to do." Y/N then frowned, pulling away from his grasp.
Mark lowered his left brow and his hooked nose twitched, "what do you mean? Doesn't Alex know?" Y/N very cowardly shook her head, Mark noticed her eyes began to water.
"Love, oh Jesus, don't cry." He hushed her in a motherly way, pulling her back into his embrace.
"I don't know what to do!" Y/N sobbed, surely leaving damp black blotches of mascara and tears on her colleague's striped polo.
"Why haven't you told Alex, hmm?" Mark asked softly, tucking a stand of loose hair behind her studded ears. This was why Mark was one of Y/N's closest friend, he had the humour and intensity to be the perfect partner in crime as well as a soft, caring side to be her very own confidant, Mark was her favourite of people, except from her husband, Alex, of course.

Y/N hiccuped and let out an uneven breath within a forceful sigh to help calm herself, before speaking. "He's just started to get out there, y'know with Vikings and stuff. I don't want to keep him down, keep him trapped with a baby..y'know?"
Mark just shook his head, Y/N couldn't see, she was too busy trembling in his arms. "Don't be silly, Alex loves you and he will love this baby even more, why else would he of married you?" He began to use his slim fingers to wipe away her running mascara, "Alex wouldn't of married you if he didn't love you and didn't see a future with you. You are his future, okay?"

The whimpering girl's cries got quieter, her breaths still rugged and nose as well as her eyes red. She nodded, slowly coming to understand her friend's wise words. "Love you, Mark." she squeezed him. "Love you too, Y/N. All you need to do is speak to him."

Y/N peeled off the damp yellow rubber gloves and let them flopped onto the side of the sink. Her eyes couldn't pull away from the darkness outside the window. This was her chance to say something but she kept allowing herself to fall into states of panic.

"You finished cleanin' up, babe?" Alex's voice startled her enough to make her grab ahold of the edge of the sink. "Didn't mean to scare you," he chuckled, pressing his hand on her shoulder and kissing her cheek from behind. Y/N let out a forceful laugh, one she was hoping Alex wouldn't pick up on.

"M'sorry, I forgot to give you m'glass-" he brought his empty wine glass in front of her both and gently placed it into the sink. "I'll clean it, it's fine," she began to reach for the taps.
"-no, no. I'll do it tomorrow, it's fine. You've done enough cleaning." Alex pulled his grasp from his wife and nodded in the direction of the stairs, she gave a limp nod. The couple were tired and full to the brim with tagliatelle, maybe it tomorrow she should bring it up, she thought to herself.

"That sparkling Rosé, was actually delicious, babe. The reason I bought it was because I know it's your favourite" Alex laughed turning on his side under the duvet and propping up on one elbow to look down at her, "but I'll have to buy more of that one, I could've drank the whole bottle!"
Y/N rolled your eyes playfully and turned to him slightly, bringing the covers under your chin, "you may as well of, it's nearly all gone," she joked.

Alex put his one free hand up in defence, and snorted "Im sorry, I'm sorry! If I knew you wanted some, I would've of left you some."
He then placed the same hand on her clothed side and tugged lightly in suggestion that he wanted her to be closer. Y/N did so, and laid just near enough to be below him. "I love you," he whispered, leaning down slightly to softly peck your lips, "I love you too."

Alex cleared his throat, "Hey, maybe I can cook tomorrow - maybe steak or something, I'll buy more of that Rosé and we can have it then." He suggested but she shook your head slightly, "I'll pass on the wine, bub, but a definite to the steak." She smiled up at him in attempt to cover her nerves.
"No wine?" One brow of his furrowed, "no wine." Y/N confirmed, anxiously biting the inside of her fleshy cheek.

Alex snickered before dropping on his back onto the mattress, "you must be ill, Y/N. Must have a fever or something, you never turn down Rosé!" He laughed, taking the back of his hand and resting it on her forehead. Nervously, she laughed along but didn't reply, leaving a deathly silence between the pair.

Y/N now watched Alex from the corner of her eye, he was just smiling at the ceiling with his eyes closed, inhaling and exhaling agonisingly slow. His breathes at night would always soothe Y/N but now it caused jitters within her heart, and her stomach to toss and turn and a sweat to break loose-

"Alex" she spluttered out, voice sounding intrusive and slightly desperate. His eyes opened and immediately darted to his left were she laid. "What is it, m'love?" His signature smirk still evident on his face as he propped himself up to look at his beauty again.
Y/N was shaking uncontrollably, fear smeared evidently across her reddening face.

"I'm pregnant."
His smile was fast to drop and his blue eyes widened, "-you what?"
"Alex, I think I'm pregnant." She whispered, terrified to look at the expression on his face.
"Y-you think? You think you're pregnant?" Now it was his turn to shake.
A tear slipped from her eye, "I took two tests after missing two periods a-and they both.." she bravely turned to give him a weak smile, her cheeks rosy and damp from her tears.
"-said you're pregnant." Alex spoke in a light shaky breath. To his wife's surprise, Alex let out a breath of what now seemed to be happiness? Relief? He began to laugh, "you're pregnant!" He shouted, jumping to sit on his knees on the bed and pulling her into his bare chest.

"You're pregnant! You're pregnant!" He cried in delight as she whimpered into his chest, clinging onto his frame as he shook them both. In excitement, he rolled the both of them over, resulting in Y/N straddling him.
Just then, he took in his wife's nervous features. In embarrassment she dug the heels of her hand into her eye sockets.

"You're happy?" She whimpered, hiding her face.
"Baby, baby, yes. Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be, huh?" He hushed her, his body sitting up to pull her hands away from her face. "Don't cry, beautiful. It's ok, don't you want a baby?"

Alex was over the moon, Alex couldn't lie when saying he'd be upset and slightly disappointed if his wife wasn't wanting this baby, all he wanted was to start a family with his love. But Alex would do anything for his Y/N, he'd do absolutely anything.

"I do, I do." She quivered, sniffling. "I just thought you wouldn't, and you'd be mad, and you were too busy, and I-I don't know.."
"Awe, c'mere." Alex pulled his beloved into his arms and she rested her head in the crook of his neck. His fingers ran through her hair, something Alex would always do if his love needed soothing. "Bub, I've always wanted a family with you from the day we meet, i mean it. I love you so so much, you're going to be the most beautiful mother to ever exist." He kissed the side of her head as she relaxed in his embrace, "Thank you so so much, thank you for making me a husband and a Daddy. Thank you."

A/N: Idk what happened to the end, sorry it is sort of rushed. I'm not good with endings, they always seem sort of awkward to finish.

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