3. Nail Varnish

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You let out an over-exaggerated groan from the sofa, your head rested against the armrest and your bare feet resting in your fiancé's lap.

He let out an amused chuckle, his hand combing through the roots of his long brunette hair, "what is it?"

Puckering your bottom lip childishly, you tilted your head to look at Alex who was looking down at you in amusement. "I need to paint my toenails."

Alex snorted at your complaint, his nose scrunching up. "That's why you're throwing a hissy fit? Because you need to paint your nails?" Your brows furrowed at this. "Yeaaah!" You whined.

He shook his head in disbelief, "You don't understand, it's difficult!" You tried to sit up on your elbows but failed, your lack of energy causing a failed attempt. "It's like having a balloon taped to your stomach! I can't even see my toes!"

Alex laughed even more, his warm hands rubbing at your swollen ankles. "Well, the balloon will be worth it in a month, babe, I promise. Our little boy will be here soon." He tried to savour the cute moment and keep a straight face but the corners of his lips twitched until he let out a snort - something you couldn't help but break a smile at.

As the laughter died down, your fiancé eyed the coffee table his own feet rested upon. "I'll do your nails for you, baby." He  smiled before making a strange 'ee' sound as he stretched for the silver nail varnish bottle that stood beside your mug. "Thank you." You whispered to him, peering round your bump.

His stubby fingers turned the lid, "I'm warning you, I'm not the best." He pointed a fake stern finger at your grin.

"It doesn't need to be a work of art, Alex." You told him, stretching your small toes out as he tried to grab a hold of a singular toe. "It does!" He exclaimed under his breath, taking off the access varnish and then gliding it across your big toe.

"Oh, shit." He cursed to himself and the large blob of gooey silver that sat upon your toe. You sniggered, Alex bit his lip and he tried to spread it about and fix it. "It's fine."

After your first foot, Alex became more careless yet more 'professional' as he claimed to be. "Would you look at that! I'm an expert at toe nail varnishing!"

"'Toe nail varnishing?'" You bounced your fresh painted feet on his thick lap in an attempt to quicken the process of drying the varnish. "Yes, yes!" Alex's trait of confidence shown once again - a trait you loved.

"You're lucky you have me." He joked, his hand now landing on your thigh and squeezing your flesh as he flashed his pearly whites in a cheesy smile. "I am, indeed."

"And I'm lucky I have you, I love you." A less comedic grin and more a warming smile came across his face - your hormonal heart fluttered. "I love you." You returned.

"And you, Mister. I'm so thankful for you. I can't wait to meet you." He leaned down to press a kiss into your enlarged stomach.

"ALEX! MY NAILS!" You squealed as his tee came in contact with your wet nails, ruining Alex's 'art work'.

Cannot thank you all so much for 300+ followers and over 100k reads on my Harry Styles imagines. It's so strange but thank you thank you thank you. I love you all so much ❤️

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