2. Forest

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This is bad. And short. I'm sorry.
I may be editing this later.

Between the greening trees and the wild scrubs, Alex crouched with his photography camera gripped tightly in his shaking hands. "Cmon" he muttered to himself, desperate to snap the perfect shot of the small waterfall a few meters distance from him.

His focus kept on shifting to the snapping branches, moving bushes and the ignorance of birds singing high in their nests. Alex bit his lip, clawing back to concentration. The time was right, the wind had just began to settle and the birds had thankfully went mute. "Yes," he whispered to himself.

Just as he pressed to photograph the fairytale like scenery, a young woman wrapped in a black puffer coat, plaid scarf and bobble hat strolled into the shot, you.

Turning at the sound of the click, your jaw dropped as you realised your situation. "I am so sorry!" Your hands placed before you in a panic state, "I did not realise." You stuttered, stepping forward quickly and awkwardly to escape but Alex stood to his feet, pushing back his fallen long hair and chuckling.

"It's alright," he laughed, walking towards you, letting his camera drop and dangle from the strap around his neck. "I'm sorry for taking a photo of you!"

"Oh my god, no. That's fine! I mean-I'm so sorry - I didn't mean-" you tripped over your own words in pure embarrassment. Alex, in front of you, laughed slightly and gave you a small smile of reassurance. Only then it hit him, your beautiful eyes gazing back up at him, drowned in panic and pure apology. Your nose, red from the harsh danish winds and your lips pink and plush but beginning to crack.

"I'm Alex," he confidently introduced himself yet he tone of voice made his insecurity be heard. "Y/N," you told him back, your face of sheer panic changing into a welcoming smile.

"Well Y/N, I will only forgive you.." he teased, rubbing his slightly stubbly chin, "if you allow me to take you out for lunch." His bright blue eyes shimmered with excitement as your own face lit up.

Lowering one brow, you copied his playfully actions by placing your gloved hand rest at your hip, "depends where for lunch..."

Alex's heart jumped, "the log café, just through here?" He wondered, praying and praying you'd agree even though your actions already said so. Playfully, you rolled your eyes "ugh, since I need forgiveness I guess I must." You couldn't help but snigger.

"Cmon, then. No time to loose." He grabbed your hand, taking you by surprise and taking you for a warm coffee. He grabbed his camera from his neck, and tilted it to show you.

Your cheeks reddened as you scanned the screen, there you were in the middle of a large stride, your head slightly turned in a state on confusion and lack of wariness. "Oh my god, no!" You laughed, "You look so cute!" He pointed, now taking in your reaction, his heart fluttered again, the so called 'date' hadn't even begun- he had only just met you yet he was feeling the need for another. He must know you more.

Alex Høgh Andersen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now