5. Bedhead

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—All cringe, all fluff

The morning sun fell through the gaps of the slightly opened blinds of the bedroom window, it's rays leaving stripes across the duvet that was pulled and tugged during the previous night by the two bodies underneath.

Y/N inhaled deeply and exhaled onto the pillow beneath her head as she gradually began to wake. Sleepily, she smiled at she resting face opposite to, his features slightly more tanned from the beautiful weather outside. She observed his face, his stubble on his top lip and chin slowly making a reappearance and his fresh cut hair just beginning to grow out.

His brunette locks had came to the stage where it began to curl at the ends naturally when not brushed - in the morning when bed head was at full charge, his hair would be most luscious and thick, messy locks Y/N ever laid eyes on. Her partner's short hair was scattered across his own pillow and his bottom lip lowered slightly with saliva glistening across it, Y/N laughed at this.

Y/N's 'quiet' giggles stirred Alex awake and as his eyes began to open and adjust to the burst of light, he too began to smile cheesily at the sight of his lover in the morning, across from him. "Good mornin', søde" he spoke, his voice rough and broken from his deep sleep. In the mornings his accent was much thicker, sometimes Alex would be embarrassed of this but Y/N loved it, her cheeks would always go just the little bit rosier than usual when he spoke his native tongue.

"Mornin', m'love." She replied within a laugh, before clearing her throat to avoid the same hoarse fate of her boyfriend.
He lifted a brow, kept his smile and tucked a hand under his pillow, "what's funny?"

"Nothing!" Y/N continued to softly chuckle, her eyes wandering back and forth from his muscular shoulders that crept from the top of the duvet ever so slightly, to his bright blue eyes that were illuminated from the sun and to his wild bed head.

Alex watched her facial movements in awe, she'd always call him out for staring at her whether it'd be when eating out at their favourite café downtown or when he'd turn to look at her when she was sucked into a horror or indie film they had rented. But he then put two and two together, he saw her eye line trail to the top of his head, to where his hair was to be exact and almost immediately felt a slight heat rush to the apple or his cheeks.

"Woooow! Stop laughing at my hair!" He whined like a little child, pouting and rolling onto his back to pull the duvet over his head. "No! No! I'm not!" You lies in a cackle, scrambling to sit up and pull at the cover that he used to cover his face but Alex was obvious much stronger.

"Alex, please. I'm sorry. Please let me in." She tried to hide her smile and humour from her voice. "You're not sorry!" Alex jokingly sulked from under the material, refusing to let go. "Please." Y/N muttered quietly like a toddler, Alex remained quiet, only his heavy breathing audible.

Y/N quit pawing at the quilt, she watched it rise up and back down. She bit her lip in  anticipation.

A few more seconds passed before the duvet was folded back forcefully by Alex, his face reddened and letting out a needed inhale of fresh hair, "fine!"

Y/N let out a loud outburst of a laugh, "only because it was too hot under there, I know how stubborn you can get."
"Oh, shut up," his scrunched up his nose at the female who hovered above him, sat on his lap in a loose Nike black tee.

Once again, he watched how her smile became wider and wider with amusement. He couldn't believe her beauty especially, now with the sun hitting her skin from the side and the heat of the situation causing a redding of her nose and cheeks. "Now, cuddle me." His bare muscular pulled her frame into his chest and he hummed into her neck as she squealed and laughed into his skin.

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