The Question

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Midoriya leaned against the dressing room wall to steady himself. He wanted to scream, laugh, and puke all at the same time while the butterflies in his stomach performed acrobatics. He put a hand to his chest and could feel his heart still beating fast. He had been so close to Kacchan, and the strong blonde was being irresistibly soft towards him. Midoriya shook his head to clear it and grabbed his clothes to get dressed. This crush was going to kill him.

Once outside the dressing room Midoriya rolled his shoulders to try to ease out some stress as he searched for Bakugo. He didn't see him in the costumes so he assumed he went to the other side of the store. On his way Midoriya passed by a small set of shelves with Halloween arts and crafts and a bundle of random cloths caught his eye. Picking up the small stack he read that the squares of themed fabric could be used for crafts or for quilts. Looking at the moth holes Midoriya smiled as an idea formed in his head.

Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and turning around he saw Bakugo standing behind him with a bag in one hand and what looked like a ribbon in the other. "What's that?" Midoriya asked

Bakugo lifted the ribbon to show it had what looked like a pumpkin brooch to clasp it, and it was pretty long. "It's to hold your costume shut. Just tie it around your neck and pin the sheet in here so it doesn't move around. Its halloween so it should match."

"Oh. Thank you, Kacchan." Midoriya smiled as he took the ribbon.

"With it being green it should match that mop on top of your head as well. Are you done shopping? It's getting late." Bakugo muttered while putting his hands in his pockets. Midoriya blushed at the thought that Bakugo went through the trouble of a small detail like matching his costume to his hair. Looking over his costume to distract himself Midoriya nodded, "I think I have everything I need. I have sewing supplies at home so I'm set." Midoriya then looked at the bag Bakugo was carrying, "Is that your costume? What did you get?"

"Werewolf." he simply stated. Midoriya perked up,"That's so cool. You always did know how to pick the best costumes, Kacchan." The blonde angrily grunted and Midoriya thought he saw some pink on his cheeks before Bakugo swung his leg up to boot Midoriya in the rear. "Stop complimenting me and pay for your shit already!" The kick caused Midoriya to stumble towards the register but he managed not to fall over as he got in line, "R-right! I'm sorry."

Approaching the counter Midoriya noticed the cashier was young and pretty. She had a smile on her face that seemed a little tired, but genuine. "Did you find everything okay?" she asked politely as she started to ring his things. "Y-yes. Thank you." he answered, his eyes focused on his wallet. Pretty girls always made him nervous, probably because he didn't grow up around a lot of females except his mother. The girls in his classes growing up avoided him like the plague like they thought quirklessness was contagious. However, the girls in his current class were warm and accepting and they really made an effort to include him which helped him be more confident over the years.

Midoriya held out his money as the cashier took it and begun punching in some numbers. Suddenly there was a little pop and chime from the register screen and the cashier perked up, "Ah! It seems you are a winner!" Midoriya looked back and forth nervously between the computer and the cashier, "Excuse me?"

"Oh, it's nothing super big. You just won a cute halloween hat and a pumpkin pail with some candy in it along with a little coupon for your next visit. Fun, right?" The cashier handed him his bag along with the prized pail and candy. "Oh. Um, thank you." Taking his belongings he walked to the front where Bakugo was waiting for him. "What took so long?" he grunted as Midoriya help up the pail. "I guess I won a small prize or something."

"Eh?" was Bakugo's response as he looked at the pail with disinterest. "Whatever, let's go so we can catch the next train." Midoriya nodded as he trailed after Bakugo.

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