Chapter 7: Ms. Photographer

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"Okay," Bea breathed, trying not to count the number of people entering through the door. "What do you need from me, Miss Photographer?"

"Well," Louisse looked around the wood-panelled room, taking in the tall windows, high ceiling and heavy velvet curtains. "Apparently good light just isn't going to happen today, so I'll likely be moving around the crowd taking shots from various angles instead of just the usual fixed shots. Will you be on stage for the whole thing or are you going to come down here?"

"I'm not sure," Bea replied thoughtfully, grateful that the wait was finally over and she could now concentrate on the professional reason for her return. "I think it depends on the reaction I get. The kids look pretty bored to me."

Louisse followed her gaze and shrugged. "Their mood kind of goes with the atmosphere of this place. Fucking dismal!"

Bea was taken aback. "Did you just say 'fuck?'" she asked her girlfriend.

"It fits," she shrugged. "Sue me. Okay baby, time to get your ass up there and do your thing."

Winking at her photographer, Bea turned and made her way up to the stage. Her heels clicked loudly as she walked, and she fought to supress a smile. Self-confidence. It did not happen to her often but when it did, it felt as if a wave of power swept all the way up from her toes to her tingling scalp. She was in the best physical condition of her life and was wearing an outfit that cost over three thousand dollars.

There was no doubt in her mind that she looked good. She was also about to start discussing her writing, something that she knew caused her to glow with a vibrancy even Louisse envied. This was going to be awesome, she told herself and happily, even if just for a minute, she believed it.

The hall was loud with the voices of the students and Bea smiled at the teachers calling for quiet. While kids were still moving around and taking their seats, she knew there was no chance of them listening and it amused her to see that the teachers had yet to realise that. Or maybe they had, her inner voice argued, but they still had to put on a show for the sake of the Head teachers. Gods, I'm glad I am not a teacher, she muttered to herself.

Louisse was already at work at the back of the hall, taking pictures with one camera while a second hung on a long strap around her neck. Bea had asked what the difference between the two cameras was but after half an hour of explaining, Louisse had just patted her cheek and told her to stick to writing.

Watching the photographer work was hypnotic; the way she studied the light and corrected angles, making tiny adjustments that to an untrained eye would seem superfluous and always pulling the best, warmest smiles from her subjects. That, Bea supposed, would be the difference between amateurs and professionals.

Chris suddenly appeared at the front of the stage and he stepped up onto the heavily waxed surface. "We should be almost ready," he told her with an excited grin. "Do you need help bringing in your notes and things?"

Bea, perched lightly on the stool, legs crossed at the ankles smiled and shook her head. She uncrossed her arms, placed her hands behind her on the stool and leaned back.

"You don't have any notes?" Chris asked. "You're sure you don't want to write a few things down?" His expression of shock made Bea laugh gently and she reached out an arm to reassure the man.

"There isn't anything I could write down that isn't already in my head," she reminded him.

"You know that's a double negative?" he teased.

"Yeah, I didn't bring my editor. What ya gonna do?" she replied with an easy smile.

"All right. So you're ready. What about your photographer?" he asked.

"Louisse is always ready," Bea assured him. "We're good to go when you are."

The Writer and The Photographer: PassionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon