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Ok first things first, thank you for reading this pathetic excuse of a Wattpad story.   

So this short story is narrated by an eighteen year old girl who went through a heart break. However she receives mixed signals, yet again, from her ex. They had been through so much together. They were so deep in the relationship that nothing else around them mattered. But the guy breaks her heart only to bring her to a realization that she not only likes him, but is in love with him. 

She loved him so much that she drowned herself in alcohol after this incident -  referring to the part she says:

Your side of the bed is occupied with someone new. Someone who stays the night and never comes back. Someone new everyday.

So it's nothing like they moved in together or anything. She is just referring to the side in her bed where he sometimes slept. You know, sleepovers. Well, they probably were one hell of a sneaky couple. Oops. Hahaha. 

This girl was heart broken beyond repair. She barely had enough energy in her to keep loving him. He meant so much to her that she could hardly breathe when he left her. It was as if someone was choking her. She felt lifeless. She wanted to stop feeling emotions. She just wanted the pain to end. So she chooses the only option that could numb her pain, even if it was for a minute: alcohol

I hope you enjoyed it. BTW this was all made up. This is a work of fiction. I'd appreciate it if no one copied it because honey it took a lot of my time and patience.

xoxo, Lakhey. 

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