Ms. Naminé

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Sora knew Kairi had a sister named 'Naminé ' What he didn't know. Was that she worked for his father and brother. He wouldn't have known either if Kairi didn't tell him. So when Vanitas came home later that night, Sora stopped him in the hallway. Vani frowned and rubbed his forehead "Sora. It's midnight what are you doing up?" "How come you didn't tell me Kairi's sister worked for you!?" "What?" "Kairi said her sister Naminé worked for you!" Vani was quite for a minute. "Oh! Naminé doesn't work for me just with me" Sora blinked and shook his head "No! Kairi told me-" "Kairi is wrong. Naminé is a secretary that works for our father" Sora blinked "So she doesn't work for you?" "No" "Okay, But-" "Go to bed!"


"Bring you're kid to work day?" Vanitas mumbled, taking a sip of tea. Sora and Roxas both nodded "Yeah!" "I'm not dad though and you're not my kids" "Buttt were your younger brothers!" "And?" "And so take us!!" Vani took a long sip of tea and immediately the boys knew. They were going to Oblivion. Not Oblivion High no the place that made O.H. Sora and Roxas raced up stairs to get ready, Ven looked over and smiled.


Sora and Roxas looked around. They were dressed in their school uniforms, the nicest looking thing they owned. Sora was looking around, while Roxas was snapping pictures. Much to the workers dismay, Vani groaned and then snatched the phone. "Hey!" "Don't 'Hey!' Me brat" "Who are you-" "Mr. Vanitas!" The group came to a stop as a young lady ran forward. She had fair skin, mid length blonde hair that sat over one shoulder. And a pretty white dress with while sandals, in her arms was a black folder and a bunch of papers. She smiled sheepishly at the group and waved to the boys. "Hi Sora, Roxas!" She said breathlessly, she straightened herself up. Vani reached and took the papers from her arms, she cleared her throat and waved her hand. "You're father wants to see you" "Naminé can you show them around, I don't want father knowing-" she nodded her head and waved him away. Vani shot a death glare behind her back and continued on his way. Sora looked over and smiled at Naminé. "Do you like you're job?" "Roxas!" "What! It was a question!" "So!" "So! It's for our paper work!" "Oh yeah" Naminé laughed and started walking towards the break room. "Oh course I don't!" "Huh!" "The pays good yeah, but it's horrible working for Xehanort!" She said. Sora and Roxas looked at each other before writing everything down. Naminé continued her talk about how she hated her job. "Everyone here has a stick up their butt's" she sighed. Roxas kept looking around and at one point dropped someone's coffee cup. He ran and when they returned, let's say they were not happy. Sora poked his head into a few rooms, even a meeting room. The people looked at him scowled and pushed him out slamming the door shut. Sora frowned and caught up with Roxas and Naminé. As they turned the corner another group of kids were there. A young lady was showing them around smiled and trying to entertain them. Naminé waved her hand at them. "The other kids for 'Bring your kids to work day'." "Then why aren't they with their parents?" "If you haven't noticed Roxas, everyone here is not very...." "Friendly?" He finished. Sora looked over at the group again. "Uhh Yeah!" She said, laughing nervously. Sora noticed the kids were getting fed up with this lady guiding them. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture. Roxas took it from him. "Hey!" He said looking at him. Roxas held it up in another direction and snapped another. "If were gonna mess with these guys we'll need all the proof we can get!" He said. Sora laughed and Roxas gave him a high five. They ran off while Naminé said she would cover for them. Time to get proof.


After their fun, Vanitas caught them. "You little pains!" "Argh! V-Vani- ca-can't breath!" Sora grunted. Roxas was already losing consciousness. Vani finally dropped them and shook his head. "Never should have brought ya'll here" he grumbled taking his keys from a random secretary. Sora and Roxas shakily got to their feet. Naminé ran up and smiled "Bye guys! Come visit again, ne?" She asked. Sora and Roxas smiled "OF COURSE!" "NOT!" Vani finished. The two looked at him and pouted. "Oh heck no! You're not coming back here, EVER!" "Awww"

I hate myself I forgot about Naminé! Don't worry I remembered!
Word Count: 782

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