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The brothers almost never get into fights with each other, no matter what. It wasn't really in their nature, but on this day it happened to be. "I cannot believe you Roxas!" Sora yelled. "I had to be done Sora!" "No it didn't!! You didn't have to punch Riku!" Roxas scoffed. "He deserved it!" "No he didn't! He didn't do nothing wrong!" Sora cried. Roxas rolled his eyes, clenching his fist. "Yes he did Sora! H-he-!" "No he did not! You're just mad at him cause he doesn't like you're stupid face!!" They entered the house and Sora slammed the door running towards the stairs. "I HATE YOU!" He shouted. Dashing up the stairs and into his room. Roxas froze, as Ventus and Xion came out from the living room. Xion looked worried, while Ven looked concerned. "Roxas?" "LEAVE ME ALONE VENTUS!" He shouted leaving the house. Ven's jaw dropped, while Xion was on the verge of tears. "Shhh shh it's okay Xion. Rox is just mad." He said as Xion walked towards the door with grabby hands. Ven looked over toward the stair case and decided to talk to Sora first. He picked up Xion and walked towards the stairs trying to calm her down.

Roxas ran down the sidewalk, face flushed and huffing. He slowed to a stop as he made it closer to an old play ground. He came to a complete stop and suddenly grabbed the swing throwing it over the bar. He kept going letting out steam while he did so, then he sat down on the other one. Roxas swung back and forth for a bit, before he finally thought about what Sora said. He had said he hated him, but Sora didn't hate anyone. Roxas buried his face into his hands and sat there, deep in thought.

Ven knocked on Sora's bedroom door. On the other side, he heard soft sobs and then shuffling. The door opened a little and poking though was Sora's head. He sniffed "Ven?" "Sora what's wrong?" Sora suddenly threw himself onto ven, sobbing loudly. "It's Roxasssss!" "W-What?" "He hurt Rikuuuuuu!" "Why would he-" "It's because he Hates himmm" Ven frowned. Roxas didn't hate Riku, he just didn't trust him. "Sora" Ven said petting his hair down. He led them into Sora's room and sat down. "Sora, Roxas doesn't hate Riku" "He doesn't?" Sora asked wiping his face. "No he, just doesn't trust Riku, something is off about him" "....So Rox doesn't hate Riku?" It seemed like Sora's tears finally stopped. Ven smiled "Yeah he doesn't hate him" "B-But!! I told Roxas I hated him!" "You what?!" "I'm sorry!" "Sora 'Hate' is a very strong word!!" "I'm sorryyyyy!"

"What are you doing in the cold, brat?" A voice. Roxas looked up, he came face to face with Vani. "V-Vani?" "The one and only, why are you crying?" He asked. Roxas let are a heart broken sob and hugged Vanitas. "S-Sora told me, he hated me" "Why would Sora say that?" He asked petting Roxas' hair and pulling his jacket over his cold shoulders. Roxas rubbed his face on Vani's shirt before looking at him. "It's all of Riku's fault! Sora would do anything to protect him!" Roxas sniffed, hiding his face back into Vani's chest. Vani sighed softly still running his fingers though his hair. Roxas sniffed in Vani's scent before, Vani's phone went off. "Hello?" "Really? Yeah I got him.......I know.... we're on our way" he looked at Roxas. He clearly wasn't going to let go. "Let's go brat, you brother wants to talk" "V-ven?" "Sora" "W-What?" "Let's go"

Ventus put his phone down and looked at Sora. He was looking out the window, towards the water. He turned suddenly, looking at Ven with sad eyes. Ven walked out of Sora's room, Xion sitting in the half and playing with some dolls. Ven smiled and picked her up. "Come on Xion it's gettting late" he said. Xion yawned rubbing her eyes. Sora walked out and down the stairs in a daze.

Vani pulled into the drive way and sighed. "Go" "What?" "Go talk to Sora" "n-" "Now Roxas" "Fine" Roxas climbed out of the car and into the house. Sora was barely coming down the stairs, when he spotted Roxas. "IM SORRY!" They both said in unison. They shared a look before embracing each other in a hug. Both with tears in their eyes. "I'm so sorry Rox!" "It's okay Sora I shouldn't have call Riku out" Roxas sobbed back. Ven sighed. "Really? There was supposed to be a lesson to this."

Word Count: 775

Kingdom Hearts: Sora's heart dribblesWhere stories live. Discover now