Shattered Memories

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All he remembered was the bright lights and screeching of tires before impact. He also remembered the weight of a body on top of him, shielding him. The red warm liquid dripping onto his forehead. Sora opened his eyes and stared up at the white ceiling. He blinked a few times,  soft beeping to his right and light snores on his left. Sora didn't remember much of what happened or who the blonde next to him was. He groaned softly, trying to push himself up, but it hurt to much. His groans seemed to wake up the blonde next to him. "Sora!" The blonde said, reaching over to hug the brunette. "I'm so glad your awake! Me and Vani were so worried about you!" The blonde continued pulling away and looking the brunette in the eyes. His small smile, fell when he noticed the look Sora was giving him. He dropped his hands to Sora's and grabbed them tightly. "Sora. What's with that look?" He asked, pulling a hesitate smile. "Do I have drool on my face?" He asked again, one of his hands going to his cheek to rub it clean. Sora only cocked his head to the side and raised a confused eyebrow. "Who are you?"


Beep... beep....beep

Vanitas Hikari stood on the other side of the glass. He couldn't bring himself to enter the room, with a blond of the other side. He felt guilty, of course he didn't know why he felt guilty. In the room on the other side of the glass laid a blonde man. He was sickly pale, hooked to many machines that would keep him alive and going. Vanitas didn't want to look at the sight or even walk in the room to sit at his side. A doctor has just finished, checking and changing the blonde. Vani always hated hospitals, people lose loved ones daily. He didn't want to lose his own loved one to a doctor or a hospital. A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, a soft carmel colored nurse with a clipboard tapped his shoulder. 'Mr. Hikari, it seems Sora has waken up' she said. Vani didn't move, he continued to stare at the blonde on the other side. "Okay" 'He seems to have a small case of amnesia, sir' "Okay" 'Sir this is serious, he doesn't remember the boy with him or his doctor' "Okay" The Nurse seemed to get the point, that he didn't care. She sighed and turned away from the man, walking back to Sora's hospital room. Vanitas, continued to stare and the slowly breathing Ventus. He turned away and hurried down the hall, towards the awaken Sora.


"How come He doesn't remember me!?" 'Young man! Please calm down! He has a small case amnesia! I'm sure he'll remember if you tell him!' "I already did!" Sora watched the blonde and the brunette haired doctor, yell at each other. The door opened and the nurse he met before walking in, clearly a bit irritated. The blonde and the doctor didn't stop yelling. The nurse stood by and watched, writing on his clipboard occasionally. Sora shook his head and rubbed his eyes slightly, looking up when the door opened again. This time and pale ravenette walked in, he surveyed the sight. The ravenette walked over and jabbed a finger into the blonde's side. The blonde yelled and turned to hound on the ravenette only to freeze up and huff. The doctor fixed his coat as the blonde went to sit next to Sora and the two adults left the room. The nurse from before, made her way to the machine next to Sora and started to unhook him. 'You won't need this now that you awake!' She said cheerfully. Sora smiled at her at looked over when the ravenette walked in again. He waited for the nurse to leave before he walked to Sora's right and hugged him tightly. "You Okay" he mumbled into his hair, Sora only looked more confused. The blonde next to him had his head in his arms, watching the two. "That's Vanitas, Ya'know? Our older brother" he said, looking away. The older male, Vanitas, pulled away and looked Sora in his eyes. Sora stared back, How was he related to Vanitas, if he had gold eyes and Sora had blue? Sora turned to the blonde next to him, ask if asking a question mentally. The blonde only gave him a confused look, before sighing loudly. "I'm Roxas! I can't believe you don't remember me!" The blonde cried out. Sora only smiled and laughed at the other, turning to look at Vanitas on his right. The ravenette was only staring at Sora with a blank expression and gently running his fingers though Sora's hair. Roxas stared at the floor before looking at Vanitas with tears in the corner of his eyes. "And Ventus?" He asked. Vanitas froze, a horrified look slowly setting on his face. He dropped his hand to the bed and slowly turned to Roxas. He opened and closed his mouth before dropping his head into his hands. Sora felt Roxas take his hand in his and turned to the other. Just like Vanitas, he had a horrified and worried look on his face. Sora turned to his right when he heard sniffling and a broken voice. "H-He's.... gods... Ventus" he broke and started to shake violently, but a sound didn't leave him. Roxas had tightened his grip and started to sob loudly at the news. Sora couldn't exactly remember who Ventus was but, hearing the somewhat news on Ventus' said condition made him just as sad. He reached up and rubbed his tears away with his free hand. A soft sob leaving him, before Roxas embraced him and tightened his grip.

Yay! More sadness! Don't worry! Ven will be fiiine!!
Word count: 978

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