1) Make a farting noise and blame it on the person next to you.
2) stand up on a plane and shout I predict this plane to crash and start screaming.
3) Start dancing around the pole in a train.
4) Sing really loudly and badly on a plane for the whole flight.
5) Read a book out loud on a bus.
6) Eat a packet of crisps really loudly and rudely.
7) kick the persons seat in front of you on the plane if they say stop say I'm bored.
8) when you talk shout.
9) Ask the person next to you what gender they are and when they answer say yeah right.
10) Do cartwheels on the plane.
11) Press the buss alarm over and over again.
12) Pretend to fall asleep on the person next to you and drool all over them.
13) Roll on the floor and pretend to be a pig and make the noise oink oink.
Ways to annoy people
HumorFunny ways to annoy people that you can try YOURSELF !!!!!!!!