Chapter 9: Coming

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    The next morning came and Molly had hardly slept at all. She was more than relieved when Missy was brought back to the ward. She had a few stitches over her eye, but she seemed okay. She was set back in her crate before the vet tech that Molly partly recognized came over toward her.

    He opened her crate and stretched out his hand toward her. Molly drew back with her ears pinned against her tail. She started to growl lowly with her lips starting to peel upward to reveal her pointed teeth and slightly bristling fur along her spine.

    "Molly, it's okay. He won't hurt you! Just don't lash out," Jahda warned as her paws seemed to prance against the ground. "Just relax."

    Reluctantly Molly took in a heavy breath as she forced her fur to lay flat. Her lips fell back over her teeth and she tried not to tense her muscles. The vet tech took the opportunity to thread something over her neck before helping her down on the floor. He started to lead her forward while something like a vine pulled around her neck and forced her to follow. She looked over her shoulder desperately for Jahda to help her.

    Jahda flicked her muzzle. "It's alright. Just go with him and everything will be okay."
    Molly took her friend's advice as she allowed herself to be led forward, or more like dragged. She struggled to keep up before she was brought into the same room that Storm was in. Storm seemed to brighten as he picked up his mate's scent. He rushed to his paws and let out sharp yips of excitement.

    "Molly! Molly!"

    "Storm," Molly exclaimed in relief as she looked up to her mate. "Are you okay?"

    Storm tipped his head. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I was more worried about you! It feels like a lifetime ago that I've seen you," he told her.

    Molly was so focused on Storm and his kind words that she didn't notice the vet tech scooping her up and placing her on a cool table. She was tethered to the table so that she didn't fall off. Hands rubbed along her body and then to her underbelly. As soon as they pressed where she felt one of her pups, she couldn't stop herself from shying away, her claws scraping against the ground.

    "Did he hurt you," growled Storm with a look of hatred spreading over his face. His tail stood straight out while his fur started to bristle.

    Molly sucked in a heavy breath in an effort to calm herself down. She shook her head slowly. "N-No, it's oaky. It just felt weird where he was pressing where my pups were."

    Storm forced himself to relax as the tech continued his examination. It only took a little while longer before she was set back down. Molly immediately broke away for a moment and bounded over to Storm's crate. She lifted her head a bit as Storm pushed his muzzle from the bars of the crate. He inclined his neck forward and touched his nose to hers. Molly's tail wagged madly behind her.

    The vet tech came around and opened Storm's crate. Storm leaped out and landed beside his mate. The two of them nuzzled each other with their tails wagging as they touched noses and showed their affection. They hadn't been able to be with each other in a few days when they were used to being with each other all day every day. They were a mated pair and they didn't want to be separated from each other.

    "I've missed you so much," Molly exclaimed as she pressed her nose into her mate's cheek, savoring his scent that still reminded her of the forest. It was still woven in every fiber of his fur.

    "I've missed you too," Storm told her.

    The vet tech came toward them and Storm immediately grew protective instantly. He stepped in front of Moon and growled. The vet tech reached for two of the vines and threaded them around Storm's and Molly's neck almost so that they were aware of it. He then started to pull them forward and hope sparked in Molly.

    "I think that he's going to bring you back with everyone else," Molly told her mate when he started to pull back desperately.

    Storm tilted his head in surprise. "You think so?"

    Molly nodded as she picked up the pace and noticed that Storm did the same. They were led back into the ward and the tech helped Molly into her crate. He closed the door behind her before leading Storm to the entire length of the ward and forced him into a crate.

    It certainly wasn't ideal, but Molly could rest well knowing that Storm was finally close.


    Once all the humans left, it was like it usually was. Molly nosed the lock off of her crate before she helped Jahda out of hers because of her extremely large paws. She padded out and started to mingle with some dogs that Molly didn't know. So, she made her way over to Storm's grate and used her muzzle to slide the lock. Storm bounded out and wove around Molly before touching his nose to her nose and then her cheek.

    "So, this is where you spend all your time," Storm questioned as he swung his head around as he took in everything around him. All of the smells, sounds, and sights were a bit overwhelming.

    Molly dipped her head as she intertwined her tail with his and started to walk forward, urging her to do the same. "I guess you could say that. We kind of have the run of the place at night and everyone is very nice here. Although, there is someone that I'd like you to meet."

    "Who," Storm asked as Molly pulled away from him and quickly jogged ahead, her belly slightly lolling from side to side. Storm picked up the pace. He couldn't let her be quicker when she was expecting pups.

    They made their way almost by the door where Frostwhisker were sitting in the corner, lapping at her underbelly in a quick grooming session. Her ears twitched when they approached and caution showed in her gaze once she looked at Storm.

    "It's okay," reassured Molly quickly when she saw Frostwhisker's muscles tense and her gaze dart to the opposite corner. "This is my mate, Storm. Storm, this is Frostwhisker."

    Storm dipped his head in respect and greeting to Frostwhisker while trying to make himself smaller so not to frighten her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Frostwhisker. I've heard a lot about you from Molly."

    The fur along Frostwhisker's spine flattened and she seemed to relax as she lazily sprawled out so that her underbelly was showed. It was certainly plump and seemed to be mildly uncomfortable for it. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. I too have heard a lot about you from Molly. She's lucky to have such a supportive mate at her side."

    Storm blushed as Molly lowered down and sprawled out almost in the same way that Frostwhisker was with Storm laying beside her. "Have any of you seen Missy," Molly questioned.

    Frostwhisker shook her head slowly. "Not that I believe, but don't worry. She'll be around, I'm sure," she pointed out as she suddenly lurched forward and seemed to curl around her underbelly, puffing hard in pain.

    Concern sparkled in Molly's gaze as she leaned forward, touching her nose to the tip of Frostwhisker's ear. "Frostwhisker, what's wrong," she whimpered.

    "It's the kits," she choked out. "They're coming, now!"

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