Chapter 50: Welcome To Hell

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    That night Mina awoke when she could sleep no longer. She rose to her paws as the pain from the Foaming Disease started to spark through her once more. Mina pinned her ears against her head as she skirted forward and pushed her paw against the lock to swing it open.

    She padded out and turned to Talon's kennel. "Talon," she whispered before she realized that Talon was still sleeping and quite peacefully at that.

    Reluctantly she left him alone. She padded forward and tried to warm herself up by using her muscles. Fennel had always made her exercise to the best of her ability so that her muscles didn't turn stiff and unmoving. She continued forward before curiosity got the best of her again and she longed to head back into the room that her and Limber had when they had first arrived there.

    She gave into her urges as she reared on her hind legs and unlocked the door easily. She slightly whimpered as she pushed her paws against the door and almost fell the rest of the way forward. She stalked forward and tried to calm her fears, wondering why she thought that that was a good idea.

    Suddenly, she heard a thump and she turned sharply with her heart thundering in her chest. She felt another thump and she crept forward with her ears shoved forward. Her nose started to quiver on her face as she reared on her hind legs and tried to see through the glass.

    She tilted her head curiously when she noticed the creatures that she had seen before. The strange goo continued to move around as she saw a silver one seeming to ooze forward and Mina was almost too entranced to actually move. Mina's gaze followed it with her head and eyes.

    The creature seemed to flow toward Mina and Mina couldn't move. The two stayed almost locked on each other and Mina swore that she saw how weak the creature seemed to be. It almost reminded Mina of herself. She suddenly lowered down when her hind legs could no longer support her.

    She panted heavily with her ears against her head as she sucked in a few massive breaths. She then slightly sprawled her hind legs as she felt a small twinge of pain in her underbelly. It was certainly duller than her usual pain, but it was still uncomfortable and unusual.

    "What's going on," complained Mina as she rubbed her paw over it. "Come on."

    There was a small thumping from the moon and Mina lifted her head and made her way back over. She reared on her hind legs and inclined her head forward with her ears standing on top of her head. She whimpered a bit before she heard the sound of the creature moving around.

    Suddenly, Mina swore that she heard the creature in her mind. She lifted a paw and lifted it over her ears before she suddenly heard a roar from the other room. Panic made her blood run cold and she turned sharply before she darted forward with her eyes round in terror.

    She had no idea how she made it as far as she did before her body just gave out. She collapsed onto the ground with tears streaming from her eyes in frustration as she stood and struggled to lift halfway up. She breathed heavily as the roar continued, loud and echoing through the entire territory. Alarm pulsed through Mina when she realized that she couldn't stand anymore.

    When she heard someone coming toward her, she went a limp as possible. She barely lifted her head as she noticed someone approaching and her heart quickened in alarm.

    There was soft murmuring that Mina didn't understand so she knew that it was neither Dora or Mr. Drake. The man picked up Mina easily and Mina continued not to move. She couldn't help but whimper as she was carried back to her kennel and set her in. He murmured something to her before he headed out of the hallway and left Mina almost shuddering in horror at what could've happened. Tears continued to run down her face as her shoulders shook in terror.

    Once she was sure that the man wasn't coming back another roar echoed through the hallway. Mina rose to her paws with her shoulders tensed together with her underbelly still slightly throbbing. She halted for a moment before she heard banging around and alarm pulsed through her.

    "Talon, what's going on," questioned Mina when she heard her friend beside her seeming to shuffle his paws around, his collar shaking a bit.    

    Talon narrowed his eye. "Another guest I suppose. They can only kill us so quickly I suppose," he grumbled darkly as he turned and stalked forward with his claws dragged against the ground before he lowered down onto his bed and seemed content with that.

    However, Mina couldn't bring herself to do that. Curiosity pulsed through her before she reared on her hind legs and unhooked her crate once more. She hated the fact that the curiosity was getting the best of her, but she couldn't just stop. She pushed it open before she headed out of the room before she made her way down the hallway with her tail dragging almost on the ground.

    She made her way down the kennel line to the last one at the end of the hallway. She peered forward into the last kennel when she heard a low growl. "Hello," she inquired.

    The growl continued to echo fiercely as a creature partly turned around. Mina caught a glint of pearly white teeth in the slit of light from where she was standing. She forced herself to stand firm and not let this creature know how fearful she really was of him. This creature appeared to be one that she had never come across before and it intrigued as well as frightened her to no end.
    "Back off," the creature seethed once more.

    Mina tipped her head and tried to seem friendly. "What's your name? I know that being in a scary place isn't ideal, but I'm not your enemy. My name is Mina."

    "I don't care! Leave me alone," the creature roared.

    Mina slightly ducked back, immediately gettin the message. "Alright, alright. I can take a hint. If you're too cowardly to speak to me then that's your problem," she muttered into her chest fur as she turned and started to walk away.

    She hadn't gotten far when there was a snarl behind her as the creature thundered into the chainlink in front of him. Mina nearly jumped out of her fur as she swiveled around with round eyes, breathing heavily. It was then that she caught sight of the lumbering creature with rippling shoulders, cold yellow eyes, thick orange and black stripes all along his fur. However, the most breathtaking thing about him had to be the pair of feathered wings that seemed to have been fused painfully on either side of him, just below his shoulders.

    "What," Mina began, completely forgetting any rational thinking.

    The creature bared his teeth so that they snapped against the door, causing it to rattle noisily. "Is this what you wanted to see? Huh?! They is what they do to us! They take us and make us into whatever they want to fit their agenda. I wouldn't expect you to understand," he flashed.

    Mina took a step forward so that their noses almost touched. "I've been here for almost a moon now, I believe. I understand, but I won't understand your story unless you tell me," she pointed out sternly while not flinching despite the creature's bared teeth and stinking breath.

    He looked at her quizzically, his head moving from side to side in frustration. "You wouldn't understand," he argued darkly.

    "Try me," Mina flashed with the same determination in her gaze that this creature seemed to have.

    He tipped his head forward so that they were almost touching Mina's. "Are you sure that you're ready for this," he inquired.

    Mina gave a vigorous nod of her head before she had even processed the question. "Yes."

    "Well, then, Mina," the creature spat with his teeth clicking against one another. "Welcome to hell."

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