Chapter 13: Must Go On

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    The screech of the door awoke Molly before the light showed in her eyes and she squinted in pain as her paws lifted and started to paw at her face. She then heard footsteps and that was when her head snapped up, waking Storm in the process.
    She then saw the vet in front of her and this was wasn't the peaceful one that they all enjoyed. It was the one who had lashed out on Missy. He came toward them, shouting and pointed at them in a way that made Molly's blood run cold in her veins as she lurched forward and stood over her pups. She bared her teeth in an effort to show her power as her muscles rippled.

    "Stay with the pups," Storm ordered as he stood and walked in front of his mate and let out a sharp snarl, howling and barking madly.

    The vet started to shout before he reached a hand toward Storm. Storm snarled and leaped forward, sinking his teeth into his hand. The man yelped and Storm released him with blood dripping from his teeth and anger causing his eyes to harder. The vet lifted his other hand over his bleeding hand and uttered some words that Molly didn't understand, but she knew how enraged he was.

    Storm continued to snarl before the vet took out something from behind him that Molly and Storm both recognized. It was the same thing that had killed their pack members and had injured Storm not that long ago. The vet turned and pointed it right at Molly as she hunkered over her pups. She bundled them under her and felt them paw and whimper against her.

    "Storm," Molly began as her mate turned his head and looked at her longingly.

    "I love you and our pups. Make sure that they remember me," he told her with his tail tip wigging. He then turned around slowly.

    Molly's eyes rounded. "No! Storm! No!"

    Storm snarled as he bunched his muscles and darted forward. He leaped into the air and tackled the vet to the ground when the vet went to fire at Molly and her pups. Storm thrust him against the ground and growled as he tried to sink his claws and teeth into him. The two struggled for a moment before he pressed the gun against Storm's skin and a horrible thunderous sound echoed through the air and blood splattered in the air.


    Molly was only faintly aware that she had shrieked and that sobs were raking her body as she stood over her pups in order to shield them from everything. She knew that they couldn't hear or see yet, but that didn't mean that she wanted them exposed to this.

    The vet threw Storm aside and his limp body fell on the ground, rigid and weak. Blood seemed to coat the ground as the vet stood and wiped some from his face. Molly seemed to push herself even more on her pups in a desperate attempting to protect them. She would lay down her life for them, just like Storm had.

    Suddenly, someone came up behind and knocked him forward. He fell flat on his face and didn't move. Molly tilted her head in fear as Jahda took a step forward, her muscles rippling as she walked while shock showed in her usually calm gaze. "Are you okay?"

    "Jahda, y-you saved me," stuttered Molly.

    Jahda shrugged while she scuffed her paws against the ground. "I couldn't just let him do that to you and your pups."

    "Storm," Molly whimpered as she rose from her pups and looked to Jahda. "Can you watch them?"

    "Sure," Jahda answered as she padded forward and stepped over the pups and started to nuzzle them all affectionately in an effort to calm them down. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay. Jahda is here and she's going to make sure that you're okay until your momma comes back."

    Molly was only faintly aware of Jahda speaking to her pups soothingly behind her. She was more worried about her mate. She crawled to his side and touched her nose to his cheek. "Storm," she rasped hopefully, waiting for some sort of a response. "Storm?"

    She stretched out a paw and pushed it against his shoulder. His body moved, but quickly fell back into the prone position, unmoving. "Storm, don't leave me," Molly whimpered as she rested her head on his shoulders. "Please don't leave me. You promised that you wouldn't leave me!" Her cries grew to keening wails of anguish until she could barely breathe.

    It wasn't until she felt a small paw on her back that she finally turned her head and saw Missy standing beside her. Her eyes were downcast as she looked at Storm's lame body. "Molly, I'm so sorry, he's gone."

    "No," Molly started as she rushed to her paws and turned to face Missy with a faraway look in her eyes. "Don't lie to me! He's fine! He just needs to rest, I'm sure of it."

    Her ramblings didn't seem to concern Missy as she took a step forward and rested her tail across Molly's shoulders. "Storm loved you and your pups so much, okay? Never forget that. He lives insides each one of them and he died to protect them."

    Molly's gaze seemed to glaze over and she was only partly listening to what her friend was saying to her. Only one word seemed to actually sink in as she lifted her head questingly. "Pups," she mumbled as she made her way over to Jahda.

    Jahda rose to her paws and nodded her head to Molly and Missy, letting Molly back in with her pups. The natural mother curled around their bodies protectively. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here," she chided as she nosed each of them in an effort to comfort them.

    Jahda and Missy exchanged a glance before Jahda padded forward slowly. "Molly, you can stay in my crate tonight with me if you like. It's pretty spacious and might be more comfortable than jumping up where you are with your three pups," she offered.

    Molly nodded in appreciation as she rose to her paws slowly and arched her neck to pick up Ravine by the scruff. Jahda picked up Oliver while Missy took Mina and brought them over to Jahda's crate. Molly disappeared inside before Jahda followed. Missy deposited Mina beside Jadha's front paws as Jahda started to lick at it.

    "I'll just be around in my crate if you need anything," Missy whispered, more to Jahda than anyone else.

    Jahda nodded to her thoughtfully as Missy walked back to her crate. Jahda started to corral the pups toward their mother as they blindly reached out to suckle. They let out their small whimpers and nosies as they desperately pawed their way to their underbelly and latched on. However, Molly's mind didn't seem to notice them, even as they tugged and pawed at her roughly.

    Jahda seemed to notice as she tipped her head thoughtfully. "Molly, can I do anything?"

    Molly lifted her head a good while after Jahda had originally spoken. She shook her head madly. "Er, can you maybe watch them so that I can say goodbye to my mate," she requested.

    Jahda crawled forward with her haunches slightly lifted before she settled down at Molly's side, careful that her massive bulk didn't fall on the pups. "Of course! You take all the time that you need, okay," she barked as she started to coax the pups away from their mother with an outstretched paw.

    Relief seemed to show on Molly's face as she rose to her paws. She carefully stepped over her pups and into the room. She padded over to her mate slowly in case the vet awoke. She settled beside him with her fur pressed against his in the way that they used to lay in their den in the forest.

    "Oh, Storm. I can't do this without you. How can I do this without you," she whispered a she lifted a paw and rested it over her eyes as sobs shook her shoulders.
    "You must," a voice suddenly answered. "You must."

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