Chapter 6

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Melissa loved danger and was never afraid of facing it but the situation with Shanakay had her worried and she wasn't the type to worry so she cooked up a plan. This wouldn't be her first dangerous mission but this time it would involve Khadeen and she wasn't sure how Khadeen stood with that aspect. She could do it by herself but Khadeen would get up in her feelings if she wasn't included so Melissa decided to include her.
She arrived at Khadeen's house and told her about the plan and although hesitant Khadeen was glad for a solution as she didn't like people seeing her sad especially her boyfriend.

On the surface, not having a boyfriend did not bother Melissa but deep down she wanted for once to be wrong about a guy. She thought she liked Romaine but he only saw her as a friend so she didn't bother to pursue him. Perhaps she wasn't meant to have a relationship she thought or maybe her wanting one was a moment of insanity but still she couldn't shake the mockery her feelings faced because it dawned on her that she had no one to comfort her the way a boyfriend would. Her best friends would always be there but they couldn't kiss her. It wasn't like she was looking for love but she could use a boyfriend to occupy her time.

"Khadeen, do you think I'm relationship material?"

Khadeen looked at her surprisingly, "What made you ask me that?"

"Uh I don't know, it's just that I want someone to care for me I guess, like the way Junior cares for you."

"I know what you mean but trust me when I say someone is out there for you. Like my mom used to say 'every hoe have them stick a bush'. But Mel can you honestly look at me and say that your feelings towards boys and relationships have changed? I thought you didn't want a boyfriend because they would infringe on your independence."

Melissa chuckled at Khadeen's response. Her best friend was nothing short of weird and she loved her for it.

"Oh no love, I still think relationships are garbage but let's just say I'm conducting a research into my thesis" she replied with a smirk on her face. "Anyways I'm going to head out."

They hugged and Melissa left. She had to walk home as her car was at the garage for servicing. She started walking down the road while whatsapping on her IPHONE 8 plus, not really paying attention to her surroundings when suddenly she bumped into someone who seemed to be doing the same thing. She was sort of memorized by his face. Black, curly hair, hazel eyes, chiseled jawline and pinkish lips stared back at her. He tried to say hello to her in a way to grab her attention but all she could do was stare at him like a creep, his fair complexion adding to his looks .

"HELLO!" He shouted at her in a deep British accent which brought her back to reality, "You should really watch who you walk into you know. Hello, are you ok?"

All Melissa could do was stutter and as she spoke her words came out jumbled, "World.. sorry. another .. myself."

He looked at her puzzled, "What?"

Melissa shook her head and replied, "Oh.. oh.. I'm sorry, I was just in another world by myself."

"I know the feeling; it happens to me a lot," he replied, "by the way, what's your name?"

"Why should I tell you my name?" She didn't want to be rude but she was hesitant about sharing her name because she knew the dangers that knowing her name would bring. Which is often why she gave out fake numbers and fake names.

"Well considering you basically ran into me, I would say you owe me. But to make it fair I will tell you my name and believe me its nowhere near fake, its Warren White."

Melissa smiled, she could fall for his name alone and she had to admit he was right, no one would really give themselves that name,

"Alright my name is Melissa Scarlet."

"That's a nice name," Warren replied, "Almost sounds familiar. You wouldn't happen to be related to Loraine and Rajief Scarlet would you?"

Melissa answered a quick no because she didn't want to show the pain in her eyes of hearing her parents name. She smiled as he held her hand and kissed it, "Umm Warren, I have to go home now so see you around."

As she was about to walk away he pulled her back and said, "It doesn't have to end like this you know, we could exchange numbers because I would really like to see you again."

"Are you asking me for my number?" She asked.

"Yes please." He answered.

She laughed and gave him her number. For some reason something told her to give him a chance. She walked on and received a text from him asking if she'd go out with him. She chuckled at his bluntness and replied yes; they text until late into the night when she went to bed.

Approximately a week later Melissa and Warren went out on a date to a secluded restaurant in St. Ann. Melissa absolutely adored St. Ann and with the scenery being so amazing she couldn't hold back her smiles. The evening was perfect, almost too perfect Melissa thought so she kept her guard up and a knife in her bag if he tried anything funny.  She smiled internally. He had promise and could potentially turn out to be a guy she really liked. The view was breathtaking as it gave her a view of a small community below that was nestled in a valley. The breeze felt heavenly and the seafood was tasty. Where they sat was close by the back where no one could disturb them. The little restaurant was cozy and it provided privacy for all its guests. After dinner he drove her home where they passed through Fern Gully, Melissa's favourite place. She giggled at the wooden carvings of Rasta with long dicks. Oh she loved her little country.


Warren texted her often and sometimes they would FaceTime each other. They were becoming closer and it didn't bother Melissa surprisingly. They had become closer and Melissa had to admit that she was enjoying herself. One Sunday afternoon she was home watching television when the doorbell rang. She went to open it with a long jagged knife behind her and was shocked to see Warren standing there with a bunch of flowers.

"How did you find my house? Warren don't tell me you're some type of psycho that preys on young girls."

Warren smiled and replied, "It wasn't hard to find considering I dropped you here the other night. Plus I really wanted to see you to do this."

He leaned over and kissed her and she had to steady herself. It felt like she had taken a bite of a strawberry dipped in whipped cream.

"Oh," was all she managed to mumble.

He looked at her and smiled, confidence radiating off him in waves and said, "Mel, you are the most fun person I know and you light up my day, your very scent, your laugh, your smile and those gorgeous eyes. Please be my girlfriend and make me the happiest man ever."

She smiled at him, but she couldn't talk, for the first time she was speechless. It was either that or she wanted him to sweat a little, Melissa was a mystery." She stood there looking at him until he said,

"A yes would be wonderful."

She stuttered and then said, "Yes, I'll make you the happiest man ever."

He smiled at her and said he'll call her and left. She shook her head and smiled. She closed the door and went inside to start her plan. She made a list of people Shanakay knew, which weren't many, people who hated her and her ex boyfriends. She took her list and got the addresses off her tablet and called Khadeen to meet her as she left the house.

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