Such a Shame You Had To Go and Run Your Mouth

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“Guys, you’ve got five minutes until the taxis come and if you’re not ready by then we’re leaving without you!” I hear Vic call from the bus door.

“It’s Jack and Alex stressing over their fucking hair and holding us up again!” Rian yells back.

“Well tell them we’re going to fucking leave without them!”

Jack and I are crammed into the tiny bus bathroom together and frantically trying to finish styling our hair at the same time. We’re in New York City and we’re all going to a local bar for a party night, so you really can’t blame us for wanting to look our best.

I don’t know why Jack feels the need to spend as much time as I do on his looks, though. He always looks hot no matter how he’s dressed or what his hair looks like. Although I have to say, he looks pretty damn good in that long-sleeve black button-up shirt with his black skinnies, and he’s done a particularly good job on his hair. I feel kind of lame next to him. My hair isn’t as cool as his and my jeans are too faded and my red short-sleeve button-up doesn’t look as good on me as his shirt does on him.

“Hey, stop worrying. You look sexy.” He knows me far too well.

I grin and grab his hand, dragging him out of the bathroom. “So do you, which means we’re both done in here and we need to go before we get left behind.”

We make it outside just as the multiple taxis pulls into the parking lot where we’ve parked our buses. We ordered taxis because there’s no way we’re just gonna park our big tour bus on a road outside a bar. I don’t even know if we’re allowed to do that. We had to order a fair few cabs, though, because with the two bands and crews we’re a pretty big group.

We hurriedly pick a taxi and climb into the back followed by Tony and then Mike, who sits in the front next to the driver.

“You guys are so fucking lucky you got ready in time, because we weren’t gonna wait for you,” says Mike, turning around in his seat to chat to us.

I throw a hand over my chest, pretending to be offended. “Hey, at least we take pride in our appearance and don’t just settle for a snapback jammed on our heads every day,” I retort. Mike flips me off and Tony pokes his tongue out as I smirk and Jack laughs.

We spend the rest of the ride joking around in a similar manner until we get to the bar. It looks pretty flashy. Out the front there’s neon lights and intimidating-looking bouncers, and it’s even better on the inside. It’s dimly lit with colourful lights flashing all over the place, multiple disco balls and loud, thumping music controlled by a DJ. It’s completely packed too, with people dancing and drinking and grinding up against each other everywhere. Looks like my kind of bar.

A couple hours later the whole group of us is drunk off our faces and we’re dancing like idiots in the middle of the floor. Jaime, Jack and I are pulling our best moves out and are having a bit of a dance-off. It’s always been a big argument between Jack and I over which one’s the better dancer. Both Jack and Jaime are pretty good, but I’m the best. Duh.

Everyone else is either gathered around us and cheering us on or having a dance themselves in another area of the bar, except for Mike and Tony. They disappeared a while ago and no one knows where they went.

“Alright, alright!” I pant after a while. “I’m out! I’m gonna go get some fresh air.” I leave the crowded dance floor and grab a glass of water before heading out towards the back exit, finding myself in a dark and dirty alleyway. I walk down the alley a little bit and eventually stop and lean against the wall, taking deep breaths and relishing in the fresh air and the silence and the chance to think about things. Alcohol tends to make me go all gooey and philosophical and shit, so it’s pretty normal for me to need to take a moment to think when I’m drunk.

Jack and I told the other guys about our relationship a while back, and they were all totally cool with it. Rian and Zack were especially happy for me since they knew what I went through beforehand, and everyone else said they saw it coming, whatever that means.

I’m really happy with my life right now, happier than I’ve been in a long time. I’m dating the guy of my dreams, I’m out touring America with my best friends and I’m having loads of fun playing shows each night for fans that love us.

I’ve been talking to Dr Way over the phone regularly too. He’s pretty mad that I ran out before he could give me the medication he wanted me to take, but he believed me when I told him I’m doing fine. I think he’s still worried that I might have another episode, but I’ve promised him that I’ll accept the pills when I come back home.

“Mind if I join you?” says a voice from behind me, startling me a bit.

“Oh, sure,” I say when I realise it’s just Vic.

“Oh, there’s Mike and Tony! I was wondering where they went,” he says as he leans next to me on the wall, pointing further down the alleyway to where Mike and Tony are pressed up against the dirty brick wall and making out.

“Holy shit, I didn’t even see them there!” I exclaim, surprised. “I didn’t even know they were together!”

“Neither did I,” says Vic, sounding amused. Tony and Mike don’t even hear us, so I guess they’re too drunk to notice anything but each other.

“Hey, can I tell you a secret?” says Vic.

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Vic leans in close to whisper in my ear. “I’ve kind of got a crush on Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens.”

“Ha! I knew you had a thing for him!” I whisper yell.

“Shh, I haven’t told anyone yet,” he says, smiling.

“Sorry dude, but I think everyone already knows. You weren’t exactly subtle about hiding it when we were in Orlando. But congrats!”

“Thanks,” he says, his smile widening. At that moment I hear the door to the club slam. We both jump and turn around, but no one’s there.

“Let’s go back in, shall we?” I suggest. He nods and we head back inside to find ourselves face-to-face with a very angry-looking Jack.

“Hey baby, what’s up?” I say.

“What the hell do you think!?” he spits, his face twisted in fury.

“Jack, I really don’t know what you’re-”

“Don’t try to hide it! I saw you and Vic out there, I saw you kiss him. And you know what? We’re through.”

Title cred: “The First Punch” by Pierce the Veil

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