Chapter 5 - Evening

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"Mom you have got to be kidding me. Yes, I know they cleared the roads, but my car is still buried, and so is Luke's. I have no idea what situation Rory's car is in. Ok, fine, if you insist, we'll be there for dinner." Lorelai said as she angrily hung up the phone.

"So, no budge, huh?" Luke asked.

"Nope, Emily Gilmore will not have it. Friday dinner is still on as it is every week. Despite the mountains of snow we got today. Well, I guess we need to get dressed...for the first time today." Lorelai smirked at Luke.

Luke bowed his head and blushed. He almost felt embarrassed that they spent the whole day inside naked and wrapped together. However, he couldn't deny that it was one of the most relaxing days he's had in a while, minus the amount of exercise he got. Luke reluctantly threw on his slacks and a turtleneck for dinner with the Gilmores. He prepared himself for insurance questions from Richard. He knew he meant well, but Lorelai not being fond of most of her parents' decisions always put him on edge.

"I have to say, I thought seeing you dressed would make me upset today, but you look quite handsome in that outfit." Lorelai said.

Ready to make a sexy joke, Luke looked up and caught glimpse of Lorelai's outfit, it was new.

"You look...beautiful. Completely gorgeous." Luke whispered meaningfully.

Lorelai blushed so hard she could feel how red her face was. Luke was kind and sincere, but he didn't verbalize it often. It was moments like these that she considered herself unbelievably lucky.


Luke pulled up in front of the Gilmores' house, and spotted Rory. Lorelai hopped out of the truck before Luke could put it in park.

"Can you believe this madness? It's like the world will catch on fire if we miss one Friday night dinner." Lorelai blurted out.

"I know, Paris lectured me about icy roads before I left Yale. She's been in quite a protective, mother mode lately. I can't tell if it's ok or just plain creepy." Rory said as she noticed Luke coming over. "Hi, Luke. Was she like this the whole ride?" she asked.

"Oh you bet, but we made it here after she begged at least five times to turn around." Luke chuckled.

Emily swung the front door open, pleased to see her little family standing there.

"Oh good, I'm glad you all could make it. I have some exciting news to share with all of you that just couldn't wait until next Friday." Emily said.

That was Richard's cue, he stepped in behind Emily.

"Yes dear, except I think you mean we have some exciting news to share." Richard said as he smiled warmly at Emily.

Lorelai and Rory exchanged looks of wonder and curiosity. The last they saw Emily and Richard, it was the standard. Drinks with Richard in the pool house and dinner with Emily, always trying to upstate the conversation they had with Richard.

Luke was aware of the current home situation for the Gilmores, so he was just as curious as the girls. He didn't show it, he was mainly ready to get dinner over with and bring Lorelai home to continue their snow day tradition.

"Let's gather in the living room, shall we? I whipped us up a pitcher of gin martinins." said Emily.

"Luke, what'll you have?" asked Richard.

"I'll have what you're having, Mr. Gilmore." Luke said.

"Now Luke, we've gone over this. It's Richard to you. I'll have a scotch, neat. Is that alright with you?" said Richard.

Luke nodded his head in agreement, he could use a straight drink to get through this night. Luke took the glass from Richard, and nodded again. He had a habit of nodding constantly when he attended these dinners.

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, the exciting news we have to share." Richard gleamed. "Emily, would you like to share?"

"Oh my god, this is like torture. Get to it guys, you're leaving us in suspense here." Lorelai rambled.

"Alright alright, Rory, Lorelai, Luke, Richard and I are moving back in together. We were snowed in today, as I'm sure all of you were. We had some time to talk through our issues and decided it was best for Richard to move back in to the main house. How does that sound girls?" Emily said.

Rory and Lorelai exchanged the biggest smile and ran over to the couple and gave them the biggest squeeze. As much as Lorelai and her parents didn't see eye to eye, Lorelai was still over the moon with happiness. Luke hung back from the hug, waiting to congratulate them after Lorelai and Rory had their turn. He could see the look of relief and happiness on Lorelai's face, and that filled him with joy.

"See, snow is magical." Lorelai said as the family continued to rejoice in the news.

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