Knowing Me

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"Leila finally woke up." said Noel

"If she only woke up sooner the death of her mother is going to kill her" said Erick

" I'm awake I just fell asleep in the middle in the road?" said Leila

" You were in my office and just fell asleep we watched you just flicker your eyes and fall we called your mother and she rushed to catch the bus."

" She was running to See you and she stepped onto the crossroads for the express train when she was in the middle of the tracks the train hit her, the gates didn't close in time to the sidewalk and the lights weren't flashing it was very sad." said Noel

" My Mother This has to be a lie I couldn't loose her not now I have a baby growing inside me." Leila said while crying

" I'm sorry about your Mother but the baby's life is going to be great the two of us:"

"Is the baby okay" questioned Leila

"Yes, the baby was in jeopardy but impact seems to not have impacted the health and well being of the baby" said Noel

" I feel the same pain as how I felt when you hit me accidentally 8 years ago" said Leila

" Really, there couldn't be a connection but I brought Ms.Milo to talk to you" said Noel

Erick and Noel left the room and proceeded to talk outside, while Ms. Milo walked in her frizzed black hair with some type of animal print and sat down.

"Are you doing good." asked Leila

" Maybe." said Ms.Milo

" I feel good but I feel like I'm warping through my life." said Leila

" Describe the people in your life" asked Ms.Milo

" Erick is a browned hair, green eyed, muscular,tall and very anti-social, his ancestry is Norwegian."

" Noel on the other hand is a petit, woman with green hair which is dyed beautifully, eyes that I swear are hazel but look green, she is from Madagascar"

" My Mother was a brunette with, chocolate eyes, she loved cats we had one named Whiskers, he was so majestic, I miss her I would talk to her about my problems and I miss her more than you could imagine" Leila made each statement exactly the way Ms. Milo wanted

" Okay, take these notes and Go Home" said Ms.Milo as she left the room

Leila stood up and walked out the door.

"Leila I thought I would accompany you to work" said Jane

"Mom I missed you!" screamed Leila

" I haven't been gone what do you mean" asked Jane

" Look it's Ms.Milo I'm going to say hi" Leila told Jane

" Ms.Milo I have to ask you something" said Leila

" Do you have records of our last meeting" asked Ms.Milo
"Yes, here you go" Leila said after taking the paper out of her jacket

" This paper is dated and signed 8 years in the future" Ms.Milo gasped

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