Screams of Terror to Joy

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" 8 years so, would you believe that I have been warping inconsistency" said Leila

The ground started to crumble a building tilted and the penthouse floors fell

" Ms.Milo, No" Leila screamed as the ground crumbled

" Erick the baby is coming now" screamed Noel

"Leila hold my hand" said Erick

Leila grabbed Ericks hand

"Ms.Milo!" Screamed Leila

" Leila there is a baby hanging out of you" said Erick

"Erick but were 8 years in the past" said Leila

"Leila I know it might sound weird but I was warping to the future and we were married and I realized ever since I woke up beside you, I loved you."

"Leila will you marry me?" asked Erick

"Yes, I will I didn't think I could love anyone but I do and our child will be better with us together, but please help me get this child out!" Leila said

" Okay, but don't you think it's crazy that Ms.Milo died in the past but was still in the future 8 years later?" Questioned Erick

" We should," Leila paused and screamed

"It's so beautiful" said Erick

" What should we name it?" said Erick

" Blair" replied Leila

" Blair that's perfect a boy or a girl"

" Hi Blair your so cute now keep pushing Leila"

10 minutes later

"It's a boy"

Leila's body was positioned with a Rose on it. All she could see was Erick next to two teenage boys and one teenage girl.

Her vision was blocked the light was slowly being obstructed. Till she saw nothing but darkness.

"I'm dead" Leila said

" No you aren't your right here with Blair" said Erick

" Erick, CAR!" screamed Leila

Erick said " Close one now let's go"

Leila modestly nodded

" I am the CEO and you need to remember that" said Denny

" No you're fired" replied Leila

" Don't let the door hit you on the way out" said Erick

" Erick get out!" Screamed Leila

" Why baby but we are married and have a child and I want you, I love you" said Erick

Leila replied " My name is Leila"

Erick exited the room, Leila went and sat in the CEO's chair.

7 Hours Later. Leila started to dose off till she was completely asleep.

"Leila,Leila stop that" said Erick

" Why I thought you liked it" said Leila

" Yes, I love when you kick me in bed, love it" replied Erick

" Wait why am I in your bed" asked Leila

" We are living together with our child and I am hoping there is a second one in the way" exclaimed Erick

" Oh number 2 but we just got married" said Leila

"Well we will find out soon" said Erick

Leila lied down right next to Erick. Erick asked

"So now you want to cuddle."

"Maybe." replied Leila

Leila and Erick fell asleep

"Leila, Leila, Leila, wake up!" Erick

" How long have I slept, I was with you and now I'm back in my chair." said Leila

" We have to go home sweetheart." said Erick

" Home, Together!"

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