Volume VII

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  Chloe places the keys on the table and lets out a long sigh from her long day. She then peeks into Trixie's room to see if she's fast asleep which she is, then her eyes gaze over to the babysitter leaning back in a chair next to her bed. "Hey thanks, I know it's kinda late but work got a bit hectic" Chloe says in a low voice, "oh don't worry about it" the sitter replies standing from her chair. Chloe walks her out then finally checks her phone for the first time since she got to work. There's only a few calls and Chloe gazes over at Lucifer's contact; she thinks for a second then decides to text him if he got home okay. A second later he responds, "yes detective I did, I'm glad your starting to worry about me." She lets out a small laugh and responds, "oh shut up." Chloe just shakes it off and places her phone down on the counter. Then she starts up stairs to get ready for bed from the long day she had. Chloe gets to the top of the steps and gazes over at Maze walking into her room. Chloe raises an eyebrow as Maze stops and slowly backs out of her doorway. "You smell..." -Chloe distorts her face to confusion- "weird." Maze finishes after a pause. "What?" Chloe responds walking closer to Maze. "You just have a...I don't know..new scent to you" she explains as she crosses her arms. "Well, I mean I rode home in Lucifer's car-" -Maze interrupts- "not like that" she says. "So...like what?" Chloe asks. Maze takes a breath. "Your soul just smells funny" Maze says and shrugs. "My soul?" Chloe says cracking a smile. "Yeah" Maze says in a casual tone. "But I bet it's no big deal" She adds. "Oh yeah, I'm glad we got that cleared up" Chloe says shaking her head and starting for her bedroom. "Goodnight Maze" she says as she opens her door. "Night" Maze says also heading into her own room.
      As Chloe washes her face, the events of the day flood back into her mind. The mystery murders, the super strength, the burning saliva that got spit on her, and most of all, her episode. What the hell was happening to me? Chloe thought as she swiftly wet her face in front of the sink. Her head slowly rose and she locked eyes with her reflection. Her breathing elevated out of nowhere and anxiety pulsed through her. Her fingers quickly gripped the edges of the sink and she leaned over further. All she did was stare at herself in the mirror. She stared because she oddly felt that it wasn't her that was looking right back at her. Chloe's jaw fell open as what looked to be black suddenly consumed her eyes. "What the fuck" escapes her lips as she gently touched her face. Her reflection seemed to change now and she slowly looked to be becoming angry from her facial expression. Then an overwhelming amount of rage came over her like a wave and wild horrid thoughts quickly spread throughout her mind. It felt like she was losing control of herself which terrified her to the point where her whole body shook in fear. Text him, text him, aggressively echoed throughout her mind and she frantically searched for her phone. She grabbed it forcefully and went straight to text messages. Her fingers typed a message on their own while her mind was screaming to stop it.

Chloe's heart was beating a million times fast and her breathing was the only thing she could hear

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Chloe's heart was beating a million times fast and her breathing was the only thing she could hear. She watched in horror as her thumb hovered over the send arrow. She kept reading the sentence over and over again trying to make sense of if she were just dreaming and caught in a nightmare. Chloe stole a breath and focused hard on revolting against herself. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, was the only thought that she had control over. Her grip gave out and her phone tumbled to the floor. She grabbed herself and was hyperventilating as she was struggling to gather herself. She slid down her bathroom wall as tears started to well in her eyes. She held her head which began to ache and closed her eyes while her mind ran with thoughts of her latest episode. "What's wrong with me?!" She cried out as tears streamed down her face.

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