Tanaka and Ohta meet The Host club!

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Hey guys I know I have been gone for a while but yeah im making this,depending on if you like this crossover, I will make multiple parts or a whole new story!

Third person pov (with Tanaka and Ohta)

Tanaka and Ohta are moving. Yes, they are moving together, they aced a test that all students where given for a chance to go to the most prestigious school in japan. Ohta passed with a 100 and so did Tanaka,well because he wanted to go with Ohta and he believed he couldn't live with out the oh great Ohta, so he studied and he looked up the answers to the problems online and he wrote them on paper and stuck it behind his dark colored bangs, though getting the paper out was a hassle that Ohta delt with Tanaka was greatful. Of course Ohta scolded Tanaka that cheating was bad and that Tanaka should have just studied properly. On the other hand Ohta was happy as well, he couldn't imagine a world where he wasn't beside Tanaka.

"Ohta help!" Tanaka 'yelled'. Then Ohta raced to Tanaka and picked up the boxes that feel on top of Tanaka. "You should be much more careful, you know that your arms can't carry very heavy things, stick to the lighter weight luggage." Ohta said Chastising Tanaka as he went inside the new apartment that they would be sharing. Tanaka sighed in relief that, he was glad to have Ohta around. Tanaka stood up slowly and grabbed the last thing in the cab. "Thanks" Said Tanaka to the driver and walked inside to put the thing down on the couch that was already there thanks to Ohta calling a moving company. Then the sound of screeching tires was heard. "What's that noise?" Ohta asked but he already knew it was the cab driver. Tanaka didn't respond, he just threw himself on the couch. Ohta closed the door that Tanaka left open and went into the living room to unpack more boxes. "Tanaka, I know you are tired but could you take your own boxes and put it into our room?" Ohta asked softly as he picked up all his personal boxes. They couldn't afford nor find a two bedroom apartment that was near the academy they would be soon attending to. Tanaka sighed and got up and got his boxes and moved them into the shared room. They only had one bed as well, the room was too small to fit two and it's not like either would mind , they nap together a lot so it won't be a big problem. As Tanaka put his boxes down he flopped on the bed and decided to take a nap. Ohta looked at his crush and smiled softly , he then went to work to unpack all the boxes and put everything where it belongs. "You've worked hard today" Ohta thought to himself.

Third person with the host club

"HARUHIIIIIIII!" A very whiny voice rung in the music room. "Yes senpai?" Haruhi asked in a monotone voice. " You said that you have new neighbours moving in your commoner place! Who are these people?! I want my Daughter to be safe!" Tamaki yelled and he was hugging Haruhi's leg. "Stop calling me your daughter, and im not sure who they are. All I heard from my Dad was it was two males and That they would be going to ouran." she said trying to shove Tamaki off her leg. "Two new-" ..."students?" Hikaru and Karou said finishing each others sentence. "This should be fun" They both said with mischievous grins. "Ohta (firstname) and Tanaka (firstname)" Kyoya said from behind his laptop. "Huh?" Haruhi said. "Those are the names of your new neighbours" Kyoya stated as his fingers moved across the keys. "They passes our schools test that grants anyone who passes with an One hundred a scholarship here and it is free to be here for them. Looking at this they are middle classmen"Kyoya said with his glasses glaring in the light of his laptop. "How did you know all that information?" Haruhi said though she knew that Kyoya knows all. "I simply looked into the apartments records and got the most recent move in into the complex and I searched information on the two males." Kyoya said but then spoke again, "They are starting tomorrow" he said. "I would like to meet them! What about you Takashi?" Hunny said he was listening as he ate his favorite cake. All that came from Mori was a simple nod. "I'll even share my cake with them if they are nice!" Hunny yelled holding up his fork. "Maybe they will join the host club? What do they look like Mommy dear?!" Tamaki yelled desperately. "You'll find out tomorrow Tamaki" Kyoya stated, he was already done with the obnoxious blonde. Tamaki was then in his gloom corner again growing mushrooms. "But...I wanted to know" Tamaki said with a pout.

(Time skip to next day, brought to you by the blonde boyz~)

Ohta's pov

It was early in the moring, and I had woken up with Tanaka by my side. I took a quick shower and started to make a quick breakfast for me and Tanaka. When I had set down the plates of a quick and hot breakfast I went into mine and Tanaka's room to wake him up. "Tanaka I made breakfast." I said in a normal voice while gently shaking Tanaka. I then heard a small groan from Tanaka. "Wake up and get some food " I said and Tanaka sat up and stretched his arms and got up stretching the rest of his body. Then followed me to where I sat the food. We ate in silence. After done, I washed the used dishes and made Tanaka go take a quick shower.  When I was done I dried my hands and got mine and Tanaka's stuff ready. I sat waiting for Tanaka to come to the livingroom dresses in the uniform they had given us. I heard soft and slow footsteps coming and I stood and went to the door and opened it and Tanaka waked out, as did I and I locked the door and walked the same speed as Tanaka. I woke us up earlier than the actual time school starts. We made our way.

I checked my phone for time and realised that I needed to pick up Tanaka and run. I picked him up and ran to school we made it to our classes a bit late. I put Tanaka down and walked into our class and Tanaka followed. "We're sorry, for being late"We both said to our teacher. "It's your first day, don't worry much" the teacher said. "Class today we have two new students, the tall one is Ohta (firstname) and the other is Tanaka (firstname)" She said to the class. "Take care of us" I said and bowed respectively and Tanaka followed. We then walked to the empty desks that where next to eachother and sat. I heard many of the girls start whispering about something, im not sure but I should stay on high alert aroud these people, they can try something on Tanaka. "Class will you exuse me?" The teacher said and she walked out leaving the class alone.
"Well" -"well" "well" Two voices said from behind me and Tanaka. I turned to see two twins that looked exactly the same. "You are pretty tall for a first year" The twins commented on my height. "Well I guess I am." I said not really caring. "Is he sleeping?" One of the twins said. I looked to my side to see Tanaka sleeping. Then Tanaka moved and fell to the floor.  I sighed. This is a great way to start day

That was just a wiff of it , if you like it so far ill make more parts or make it a story on its own. Hope you enjoyed~
Love, your Author Daddy~

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