Chapter One: The Fight

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“Come on, Pam!” My brother shouted. We ran through the forest of our home, Neverland. The forest was rich with color of green, blue, purple even bright red. Sunshine broke its way through the branches up above.

 “Wait up, Slightly!” I call. My braid bounced off my back as I ran belts and dagger swayed with my hips. Ferns and branches hung low and shook as we ran. I gasped as we ran. Finally we skidded to a halt at a big tree. It was very tall and wide at the trunk. It was covered in moss and vines; I reached up and pulled on a thick vine. A piece of the trunk lifted and reveled a pathway. Slightly walked in and I followed. I went into another secret passage and climbed down a steep set of stairs that led downstairs. It was a large room with a dirt floor and walls. Roots crawled down from the ceiling and went down below into the earth. Hammocks were hung near the left side-room, a chair near the back center made of thick sticks and leaves. O the right was a curtain made from vines that lead to Pan’s separate chambers I call it. Sitting in the throne was my “big brother” Peter Pan. Yup, the Peter Pan. I owe him my life for bringing me here to Neverland to be my permit home. I’ve been here since I wan nine. I walk over and sit on one of the arm rests,

 “Hey Pan.” I say and give him a noogie; He laughs and pushes my away. He has short curly blonde hair; he is  also about my age as well. Leaves wrap around his body, one strip goes across his chest and behind his back. A wrap was tied to his left upper arm. I usually say that it’s the band that restrains his strength. I shove him playfully, he shoves me back. I see a spark in his hazel eyes and grin. I go to a nearby pot and pull out a gleaming sword. Peter grins and takes a sword from his sheath. I smile and swing my sword up high; it makes a sound like glass breaking against Peter’s sword. He spins and tried to get my legs, but I dodge and gently tap his shoulder with the tip on my sword.

 “Behind you.” I say, He spins fast and raises his sword. I held up my blade with both hands on the metal.

 “Ready to lose?” he says. I grin and narrow my eyes.

“No way! I’m close to beating my record.” I smile. He smiles as well. I’m a little sad when he lowers his sword. I lower mine. Peter comes up and puts in arm around my shoulders. He gives me one final nudgie before going into his “chambers”. Usually he carves or plays his flute. Over the years he’s even taught me how to play. It’s difficult actually. I walk over to the mirror that hung on the wall for everyone to use. In the glass was a small girl with a small nose and freckles. A girl with red hair tucked away in a messy braid. She wore a white dirty tank. Her eyes were very unique; one was a forest green, the other a rich blue. Indian calls were heard from the entrance, Tiger and Cuddles rolled down the slide and crashed into each other.

 “We bring news!” says Tiger. I see Peter come out and face the boys.

 “What is it?” he says.

 “Hook has hidden a treasure off Skull Rock, just on the island.” says Cuddles. The other Lost Boys smile and shout to grab their weapons. I run to snatch my sheath, Peter grabs two swords. He tosses one to me and I snatch it in thin air.

 “Lead the way.” He says. We climb out from the tree and into the damp forest. I see Peter rise from ground and fly upwards towards an opening of the branches ubove.

 “Pan!” I shout. I see his head poke from the branches, “Be careful. Remember last time?” I tease. He laughs and nods, then fly’s away. I smile and run to catch up to the Lost Boys. They may be fast, but I’m faster. With three years roaming the streets in London avoiding the Police, gave me some training. So usually I lead the pack. It’s not far from Hangman’s tree to Skull Rock. We arrive there in just minutes, Put Peter is already there, hiding in behind some large ferns. I crawl on the moist ground beside him,

 “What’s the status.” I whisper.

 “The Pirates, Hook did this just for a trap.” Peter snapped. I roll my eyes.

 “He does it every time, why is that guy so obsessed with you? Can’t he just let it go?” I whisper back. He shrugs, In a boat of shore comes two men, the first was an old man with a white beard and glasses. He wore a dull coat, pants and pirate boots. The second was tall- not so quite old- had black hair and had a red pirate coat on. His hat was full of feathers, he lifted his arm. A hook was there, instead of a right hand. I widen my eyes, It was Captain Hook himself.

 “Where is he?!” Hook snapped.

 “Probably thought it was a trap.” said the old man. Hook stepped out from the boat and near to the edge of the forest. Peter laid down on his stomach, and gestured me to do so. I saw Hook’s foot just inches from my face; I grin and look at Peter. I see him grinning as well. I take my dagger and with a quick motion, poke his foot. He jerks, then I see his face. I feel his glistened hand hook around my collar. I shout and squirm, He lifts me high and walks over to the center of the clearing. I could see the old man have old rope.

 “Sorry miss.” He says and ties me up. I squirm with all my might but can’t get loose. I look over to Peter; I see his head in the ferns. He gives me a sad look,

 “It’s ok.” I mouthed,

But he does something stupid and walks out from the ferns. The pirates that were surrounding me look up at him and shout. They charge at him.

 “STOP!” I hear Hook shout. The pirates all have confused looks and just stay in their tracks.

 “I see you have come for your treasure, Pan.” Says Hook, Peter looks at me, then back to Hook. All he does his takes out his sword from his back and raises it. Hook takes his sword from his waist. I hear him shout and the sound of metal rubbing metal screams in the air. The Lost boys run out shouting ad fighting surrounds me. I see Slightly run towards me with a knife. He rubs the knife back and forth against the old rope. Once I’m free I grab a sword and run to the nearest Pirate. But something stops me, I turn to see Peter. He was fighting Hook but he looked like he was losing. I run over and tap his shoulder. He turns quickly,

 “Morning,” I say and try a swing near his feet. He jumps and stands on the blade. I gulp, and tug on the blade. I’ve never really been good at sword play much so I have to go with Hook on this one.

 “Not fair,” I say, “You’re cheating.” Hook smiles and raises his hook, I see Peter running has fast as he can towards me but is too late. The hook comes down and just cuts my eye. I scream and bend down; clutching my eye he just cut. I hear swords clatter and guess Peter was fighting for revenge. Blinded, I scrambled to my feet and run into the woods and stop on the border. I lifted my hand and see it covered in blood. I hear the fight go on, then a thought pops in my head, Where’s Tink? Then remember that she was backing home sleeping still. My eye screams with pain, I feel warmth on my shoulder and see Peter’s hand there. He sits in front of me, sadness in his eyes. He stands up and whistles. I hear the lost boys retreat into the woods after their call.

 “Pam, Pam looks at me.” Peter says firmly. I raise my head to look into his hazel eyes. He makes a small gasp at me face. I probably looked awful.

 “Here.” I hear Slightly say while he gives me a shell filled with water.  I look into the water and see my whole left side of my face was covered in blood. A nasty cut went vertical up. But what worried me most is that my once beautiful blue color in my eye…vanished. All that was left was a clear pupil. No color at all. I feel Peter wrap his arms around me in a hug. I began to cry,

  That night was rough, my eye felt weird but the bleeding stopped. The underground home, used to be bright of color now looked dull. I crawled into my hammock and buried my head in my arms. The Lost boys tried to bring my hope up but it didn’t work. Peter sat by my hammock every night. Sometimes when I would start to cry, he climbs into my Hammock and lie beside me. It helped a lot, he would play his flute and it lulled me to sleep.

 Over the years the wound healed and only a scar remained. I didn’t mind my colorless eye, after a while I thought it was unique. I never faced Hook again, but Hook tried to face me. Peter always took on the role of fighting him so I stayed away. Now I only fight with a bow and arrow. Still every night Peter crawls into my hammock and sleeps beside me. I don’t mind, I actually like his company

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