Chapter Seven: Bloody Pirates

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When I wake up, I see Peter. He stands over the table of the crocodile. He takes a flower cup that was left on the table. He stares at it,

 “Peter?” I mumble, He looks behind. Then snaps his eyes closed, opens his mouth, and tilts the flower. Tink flies in and pushes the cup away from his mouth.

 “Tink,” He says, pulling her off his mouth. He tosses her onto the table. He smiles and tries to drink the medicine again. She flew as fast as she could towards his mouth, and drank it all. Peter spit with frustration,

 “You drank my medicine!” He said firmly, throwing the flower to the ground. Tink stumbled onto the table, blowing out a candle while she went. Then collapsed onto a pile of coins. Peter rushed towards her, knocking everything off the table,

 “Tink?” he whispered, he took a candle and placed it near her, “Stay warm Tink, stay warm.” He whispers. He tried to smile, Tink took one finally look at Peter, then her beautiful light faded. Peter shook his head; he gently picked her up in his hands. A tear escapes my eye lid and falls down my cheek. Peter carries her outside, I follow. He steps out into the cloudy weather and lays her on the ground. His finger dig into the ground, his back leaned over her.

 “Please Tink come back, I’m so sorry Tink please come back...” he whispers. I hesitate out from the entrance, letting him have space, “Tink!” He shouts sadly. He falls and starts to cry. I walk towards him and kneel next to him. He raises his head and cries on my shoulder. I sniffle a cry as well. Then, something just pops out from my mouth.

 “I do believe in fairies.” I mumble. He stops and looks at me,

 “What?” he sniffs.

 “I do believe in fairies; I do.” I say again. Peter sits up and looks at Tink.

 “I do believe in fairies.” He mumbles. I wipe my tears away and stand up.

 “I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!” I scream, Peter stands up with me, he shouts as well. I shout with all my heart, my fingers slip into Peter’s and I hold it tight. Screaming with all my heart. Peter picks Tink back up,

 “I do believe in fairies.” He says; the sunshine brightens the sky once more.

 “I do believe in fairies!” I shout,

 “I-“Peter starts, but I see Tink’s soft glow to come back, “oh Tink you’re alive!” Peter says, throwing her in the air as the flies with happiness. She comes down and starts to tickle Peter, he laughs and falls to the ground. I smile, and cheer on for Tink. But the happiness stopped, my head throbbed and yellow fireworks clouded my vision. I stumble and lean against the wood. Peter gets up and sees me against the wood. He rushes over and helps me up.

“You ok?” he says. The fireworks stop but the throbbing continues. I nod slowly; Peter rushes inside while I stumble to follow. Peter looks into the reflection; Tink also looks in the reflection as well, but only straights her dress and fixes her hair. He takes another and hands it to me. I shake my head.

 “Remember last time?” I say firmly and point to my already half gone pupil; I blink my eye rapidly and pluck another slimy piece of my pupil, it was a far larger piece. Peter widen his eyes,

 “We have to get that fixed first.” He said, pointing to my devilish eye. I nod, with shaky hands I take the handle of the sword and slide it into the sheath. Peter smiles,

 “It’s hook and me this time.”

*          *          *

I’ve never really put one foot upon the Jolly Rodger, I didn’t dare too. The ship was amazing, forty gunner with six sails. A pirate flag blew in the breeze on top, me and Peter stood hidden between barrels on the deck. Fear bubbles inside me, I long to run back to the tree and bury myself in my hammock. I can’t, Peter sees me trembling. He takes my hand and squeezes it slowly. My lungs take a deep breath, I let it out quietly. In the corner I see the Lost boys tied up, Wendy was near the plank. Her hands were tied. All the pirates were gathered around her, shouting and firing guns into the air.

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