Chapter Eight: Peter's Secret

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(don't play song until the stars appear.)

Peter stared at Pam’s limp body. Her skin was smooth and warm on his skin. He finally told her, about his true feelings. He never thought that he’d fall in love with someone; he couldn’t grow old like everyone else. Pam was perfect. She was adventurous, kind and a great companion to him. But she was gone, she’s dead. She sacrificed her life so Peter could live. He admitted to her that he loved her with all his heart. Peter felt tears in his eyes; it felt like he lost Tink again. But this time, she couldn’t come back. Slightly walked over to Peter and kneeled beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Peter turned his head to look at him, Slightly saw that Peter’s face was red and wet with tears.

 “Pam was a loyal Lost girl.” Slightly whispered. Peter nodded, placing his forehead onto Pam’s.

 “She was…beautiful, she always cared for me.” Peter sniffed, “I would sleep in her hammock with her every night. Sometimes I would hold her hand and she would hold it back.” Peter hugged Pam close to his bare chest. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then slowly pressed his lips to her warm skin on her forehead. He gently placed her back down on his lap and looked at the body of Hook; something shiny sparkled in the sunlight near his neck. Peter looked closer and saw a vial on a chain. He gently placed Pam on Slighly’s lap, then walked over to the body. In the vial was liquid, then he gasped.

 “The Antidote!” Peter shouted, ripping the vial off Hook’s neck and running over to Pam. The Lost Boys were gathered around her, Slightly handed Pam’s body over to Peter, he uncapped the vial and gently poured it down her throat. He threw the glass away and waited for the liquid to work.

 “Please…please Pam. Don’t leave me…” Peter whispered. He bent down and hugged her slowly. Rocking her like he used to when she first came to his home. He looked down at her face, it was already getting pale. Her lips were red, he took a deep breath and brought her head closer to his. He hesitated at first but then did what we always wanted to do.

 He pressed his warm lips to her cold ones. Unedifying warmth flooded through him, the sweetness of her mouth filling his taste buds. He felt the taste of mangos on his lips, his eyes were closed. Then he pulled away, slowly opening his eyes, hoping to see Pam’s eyes when he opens his. But when he did, he saw her pale skin. He sighed, but then he heard something. He placed his ear on her chest to pick up her heartbeat. A silent thumping noise sounded, he widen his eyes and looked at Pam’s face, her color returned. As if commanded, her eyes flickered open slowly. Peter felt tears in his eyes again,

 “Pam! Your Alive!” he shouted and hugged her tight. Pam blinked her eyes a couple of times and stared into Peter’s. He looked at her eyes, one green the other…blue!

 “Pam! Your eyes…there back to normal.” He whispered. She took her hand and felt her face; her scar was still there was she could see every detail of Peter’s face. Peter smiled and pressed his lips back to hers. Pam jerked in surprise, but relaxed and cupped the side of Peter’s neck. He pulled away and stared into her eyes.

 “Pam…Can I say something?” Peter asked. Pam nods, “I’ve loved you since you first came here.” Pam smiles, she tries to stand, Peter had two hands on her arm to help her. The Lost Boys cheer and start to hug her. Peter smiled and looks at Wendy. She was hanging back with her brothers. Peter walks over to her.

 “Um…I’m sorry.” He said, Wendy shakes her head.

 “We have to go home, It was lovely to see Neverland with you.” She says. Peter nods and turns back to the Lost boys and Pam. Peter takes Pam’s hand, she turns and smiles when she sees him. He pulls her close, and hugs her tight around the shoulders. Pam smiles and hugged him too. Peter then had an idea; he walked over to the Lost Boys. Taking a glance at Pam talking with Wendy.  

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