Mr. Mathers' Personal Heater

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Jackie looked up into my eyes and nodded, her gaze softening from the heat that had been there to understanding. I felt her hand move up to my face, tracing the lines of it. Her eyes followed her fingertips.

"I listened to your music." She said, smiling a little. "You love comics." She noted and I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I do." I admitted. Jackie shook her head, looking back into my eyes.

"You told me the first day that you wouldn't hurt me, Marshall." She said. "I believe you."

The air in my lungs locked as I found nothing but sincerity shining back at me. This beautiful soul was more than I ever deserved, but if there was any way in Heaven or Hell that I could keep her - that I could make her mine - I would fucking do it. In just a few short weeks, she'd become part of my DNA. My body wouldn't recognize itself without her.

"That kiss." I said, watching in fascination as she bit her lip. From my position above her, there was no way she could be ignorant to how she'd affected me. My arousal was practically digging into her hips.

"I, uh, wanted to do that for a while." She said, her face turning pink before she stuffed it into my neck. I smiled, letting her hide for a moment before I spoke into her ear.

"Then you're good with us not being friends?" I asked and she pulled back, her eyes concerned.

"Of course, I want to be friends!" She cried and I frowned.

"Jackie, I don't know what kind of friends you've had, but I know you have plenty of them and I'm not cool with you kissing any of them." I responded. Jackie's face was puzzled for a moment before it cleared and she started to laugh. I watched for a moment, enjoying the light that shone from her when she did, and raised a brow.

"Sorry, Marshall." She said, still chuckling. "I just meant that I want to be your friend and more."

"I like the sound of that." I admitted. I glanced to the side of the bed, noting the time on the clock there.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" I asked and Jackie shook her head, biting her lip again. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but was holding back.

"Out with it." I demanded and she sighed.

"Could we just snuggle in for the night?" She asked. "I haven't really slept all that well this week. I missed you." She finished, earning another piece of my heart with the soft admission.

"Yeah, baby. Let's go to sleep."


The following morning, I found myself on my stomach on the far side of Jackie's bed. I'd shed everything but my underwear, so my entire back and legs could feel the heat emanating from her tiny body as she lie half on top of me from behind. From the sound of her breathing, she was still asleep.

I took stock, smiling to myself as I did. Jackie's arms were wrapped around me as her legs twined with mine. She'd stripped down to a tank and her panties, which meant that I could feel the smooth dips and curves of her. She was a fucking radiator, giving off the kind of heat that should probably concern me, but for the fact that I knew she wasn't sick. My lips quirked as I realized that she wasn't moonlight; she was the fucking Sun.

Although I was aching with the need to turn over and touch more, to taste every bit of her body, I stayed where I was. Instead of acting on the desire pooling in my body, I shifted slightly so that she would be even more on top of me. It took some maneuvering, but by the time I was done, she was clinging to me like a koala.

I smiled again and sighed, easing my head back into the chocolate and spice of the pillow beneath my head. I'd pretend to wake up with her later. Right now, I was going to just revel in the feeling of being wanted that she so effortlessly caused. Closing my eyes, I let my thoughts wander as tranquility settled over me like a warm blanket.


"Oh, crap!" I heard Jackie cry as she sprung from the bed. I must have fallen back asleep after all, because I was startled by her sudden movement.

I lifted my head, watching in bemusement as she flitted around the room, tearing a black hoodie over her head as she wiggled into black jeans. I could watch her get dressed all fucking day, which was saying something, because I'd rather her naked all the time. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I sat up and ran a hand over my head.

"What's up?" I asked.

Jackie stopped and looked at me from where she was hopping as she tugged a sock on. The next thing I knew, there was a tangle of limbs and auburn hair flying at me as she tackled me to the bed. Jackie planted kisses all over my neck and face as my hands came to her waist and I lost it, belly laughing at her antics.

"Alright, alright." I said and she straddled me as she sat up. The position did things to my body, which had her eyes widening and her mouth dropping open slightly as she felt it. I twitched against her intentionally, watching the flush move up her neck.

"Marshall," she said softly, her voice turning a little husky as she gyrated slightly. I groaned, gripping her hips tightly as I moved against her. She fell back down to me, kissing me softly and moving against me in such a way as to cause the sweetest torture.

"Lie to me and tell me you weren't in a frenzy because you have to leave." I demanded and she shook her head against my mouth, her grin returning.

"Can't, babe. I don't lie." She said, rolling against me once more before she got up and looked around. She hopped as she got the other sock on her foot and then turned to me triumphantly.

"So, where are you headed?" I asked and she tucked her hands behind her back as a pleading expression overtook her face.

"Well," she said, elongating the word. "If you want to see before everyone else, you can come down to the gallery. It's almost done." She said and I frowned as I looked at her, but got up.

"I thought it was going to take you a couple of weeks?" I asked, dragging my pants on. She was quiet, so I looked back over, finding her biting her thumb nail and looking away. "Jackie?"

"Well, I couldn't really sleep, right? So, I just kind of did it." She said before she started bouncing. "And now, it's almost done. I should be able to put the finishing touches on it within an hour."

I walked over to her as I tugged my shirt over my head and looked down. Pulling her to me by the waist, I lifted her chin and looked closely at her. Sure enough, there were shadows that I hadn't really noticed last night because of all the excitement.

"You've been pulling all nighters." I said, convinced I was right. She blushed a little and looked at my collarbone, avoiding my eyes. "Jackie," I warned and she nodded, looking up with a twist of her lips.

"I couldn't sleep." She said and I shook my head.

"We're you at least eating properly?" I asked and she bit her lip instead of answering. I nodded, quirking my lips. I knew what it was like to get so caught up in your craft that things like that would slip by you, but I didn't like that she had gone without.

"Okay. You take me to see it, and then we're heading out for food, alright?" I asked and she started bouncing again in her excitement.

"You're going to love it!"

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