Mr. Mathers' Happily Ever After

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As I lie in bed with Jackie, spent and replete, I stared up at the ceiling and thought. She snuggled into me, throwing one leg over mine and resting a hand on my chest as her head found a home in the crook of my arm. I smiled, leaning over to kiss the top of her head as she hummed.

"I need you," I said, turning into her body and pulling her flush against me. She chuckled and pulled her head back, her eyes dancing.

"I thought we just took care of that." She teased and I shook my head.

"No, I mean all the time, for all time." I answered. "I know it's fast and you can take as long as you need to, but you should know that I'm never giving you up." I continued, staring into her soft hazel eyes. "I love you so much, and it only gets better, stronger, the more I know about you – the more I'm with you."

Jackie cocked her head at me, narrowing her eyes slightly, though playfully. She leaned up and kissed my nose before she settled back into my arms and sighed.

"You're adorable when you're in the middle of an afterglow." She said and I growled, pushing her back against the mattress as I looked down into her eyes seriously.

"I'm not kidding, Jackie." I said. She looked up into my eyes, searching them before nodding slowly.

"You're sure, Marshall?" She asked softly. "'Cause I've been told I can be infuriating." I shook my head, resting on one forearm as my hand traced from her collarbone to her waist.

"You are kind and real, bubbly and sweet." I countered. "And infuriatingly naïve sometimes." I admitted and she chuckled, her light shining in her eyes once more.

"I can't promise you that I'll never lose my shit over the way you approach things that would make any other sane individual use caution." I continued, flattening my hand as I slipped it behind her back.

"But, I'm never giving you up. You took in a stray the night of that storm, now you have to keep him." I murmured as I lowered my lips to hers. Her hands came up over my shoulders, massaging them ever so lightly as she kissed me back.

"Hm," she mumbled against my lips. "That does sound fair."


Six months after I met my Ewok, I was watching her accept her degree. She was in a tailored gown, the original small size being so large on her that it had drug on the ground and tripped her, and had that square mortar board hat perched on her head in a perky angle. She was fucking perfect.

We'd moved into her tiny ass apartment a few weeks after I'd told her I wasn't ever letting her go. I'd given her the option and she'd preferred her place to my larger one. To be honest, I did, too, so I hadn't pushed very hard.

"She's practically bouncing, dad." Hailie said from beside me and I nodded with a half-smile.

"Yeah," I said. "She's got some secret surprise for me that she's been waiting for after this to give to me." I said and Hailie cocked her head in question.

"Aren't you the one supposed to give her things for events like this?" Hailie asked and I nodded.

"Tell that to the impossible woman on stage right now." I muttered.

Hailie was absolutely fucking right, but Jackie had all but stomped her foot when I'd broached the topic of getting her something to celebrate. According to her, my gift was being with her, which was crazy and sweet and just like her to say.

"Nah, man. Jack will let you give her the D." Rocky said from the other side of me, causing Sparks and Damon to fight to control their laughter. I rolled my lips in, keeping my own laughter inside while Hailie rolled her eyes.

"Not something I really want to think about," she muttered. Her comment, of course, made the men to my side lose it and led to a round of 'shushes' from the stiffs sitting nearby.

Soon enough, the ceremony was over and the group of us were all standing off to the side, waiting for Jackie to come meet us. I'd worked out a compromise with Rocky's family, who'd all wanted to put on a big party for Jackie. Instead of doing it at their place, I'd rented out the gallery that she'd had her show in and there were caterers and whatnot there right now, waiting to feed and ply Jackie's guests with alcohol.

"There she is," Sparks said, jogging his head toward the side. I turned and saw Jackie moving toward us in a sundress that made my mouth water. She'd shed all the trappings of her degree and looked like a walking ball of energy, a portfolio folder in her hands.

She gave hugs all around before she stopped in front of me, leaning up as I bent down. Our kiss soft and slow and caused a ruckus of whistles and catcalls from her friends. She pulled away, flushed, and stuck her tongue out at everyone before slipping into the spot under my arm as we started walking toward the car.

"We'll catch up with you at the gallery, okay?" Jackie called, tugging on my arm for me to stop. After a round of waves, I turned to her.

"So, what's the surprise?" I asked. Jackie licked her lips and then bit her bottom one as she handed me the portfolio in her hands. I took it and opened it to find a comic book inside.

I handed her the portfolio as I lifted the pages, turning them slowly. The first cel was of a man drenched in water, standing under an overhang of an old building. My eyes moved quickly thereafter over each cel, seeing the moments of our relationship bouncing back at me from the pages of the book.

She showed me the way I'd fallen asleep that first night, cuddled up into her like a teddy bear. She drew the disbelief I'd had the following morning when she'd left. Cel after cel, the story of us was drawn in perfect detail. Our first kiss, her embarrassing lingerie incident, our first fight over her refusal to lock the fucking door – all of it was right here in my hands. I looked up, stunned, to find her tapping her thigh impatiently, her grin wide.

"The end, get to the end!" She demanded and I flipped to the back. On the last page was a single cel showing the two of us, her a koala on my back as I leaned to the side to see her, both of us laughing. Underneath it was the caption, 'And they lived happily ever after.'

Shifting the book to one hand, I pulled her to the waist back into my body and swooped down to catch her lips. Hungry and just so damn happy, I came back to her lips again and again, unable to pull away. Minutes passed before we parted slightly, our breathing heavier. I opened my eyes to look down into hers and I smiled.

"You know, that's a promise I'll hold you to." I said and she nodded.

"That's why it's in a comic. The hero always gets the girl."

A/N: And... done. Hope you liked Jackie and Marshall. They were fun to write. I have a pending request that's building up, so I imagine it will start sometime this weekend. Until then, happy reading!

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