Marshall's Invitation

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Cat and I seemed to have schedules that were at odds with one another. As the weeks went by, I'd see her coming home when I was leaving, or leaving when I was coming home. She always gave a flirty, cheerful wave as she went by and I came to miss the times when I didn't see her. I'd look out my window randomly like a fucking stalker, curious as to when she'd pull her old car into her drive.

She never parked it in the garage. I'd intended to ask her about it the next time I spoke to her, but then one day she left the door open for a little while and I realized why it was – she had an entire garage full of various exercise equipment. Apparently, her gym wasn't enough, because there was some serious money dumped into what I saw.

One day, about a month and a half after I'd first talked to her, I came home just before she did. I was still getting out of my car when I saw her pull up, so I waited. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I knew I wasn't going to go another six weeks without talking to her.

I walked over as she got out and saw that she was moving gingerly. I frowned as I came abreast with her, and looked her over. I didn't see anything wrong.

"Why are you walking like an old woman?" I asked and she laughed and then winced.

"Shit, Marshall. Don't make me laugh. It hurts." Cat said as she continued walking up the path to her door. When she got to it, she opened it and gestured inside. I walked through and turned to see her shut the door, wincing again.

"So, what's with the Yoda impersonation?" I demanded again and she smiled and nodded toward the other room.

"Make yourself at home while I put this away." She said, indicating her gym bag. "It's heavier than it looks." Cat continued and I nodded and moved into her living room.

Cat's place was an explosion of cult classic décor. On nearly every wall, there was a poster of some B rated movie. As I got closer, I saw that many of the posters were signed. She didn't just like the movies, she'd gone to the effort of getting autographs from the shitty actors in them. On shelving around the room I saw random things that looked like props. Cat was a movie buff, even if it appeared she had no taste whatsoever as to what she liked.

"Want something to drink?" She called from the other room and I nodded as I spoke.

"I'll take what you got." I responded and she popped her head around a corner, her long hair hanging.

"I have a lot of drinks that no one in their right mind would touch. How about tea?" She asked and I nodded.

She disappeared again and so I kept nosing my way around. I saw a hallway off to the side and noted that it had posters, too, but these looked to be of higher quality movies. I turned when she walked into the room and handed me a bottle of tea.

"I put the good ones in the living room, the better ones in the hallway, and the best ones in my room." She explained, smiling at me as she took a drink from some unlabeled thing that was the color of mashed peas and looked thick as hash.

"I think most of Hollywood would dispute your use of the word good, Cat." I replied dryly and she chuckled again, wincing once more as she put a hand to her abdomen. I pointedly rose one of my brows, unwilling to ask for a third time what the problem was. She shrugged as she spoke.

"Bruised ribs. I'll be fine in a few weeks." She answered and I nodded, but my brows came down in a frown. I didn't like how casual she was about being hurt, but then, it probably went with the territory.

"That happen often?" I asked and she smirked, her confidence practically oozing out of her as she responded.

"Nah. I'm usually the one bruising their ribs. Today, I was sparring with a guy a couple of weight classes above me and wasn't quick enough." She answered.

"You fight dudes?" I asked, stunned.

"Only on occasion. My trainer thought I was mouthing off too much so wanted to put me in my place." Cat responded. "Showed him, though, not to test me. I may have some bruised ribs, but the moron he put me up against dropped his left and I tagged him on his glass jaw. Knocked him clean out."

I stared at her, once more finding myself both shocked and turned on. The idea that she went toe to toe with some ass who was bigger than her and that she managed to come out of it relatively healthy while he hit the mat was doing things to me. What kind of weird fuck does that make me?

"So, what happens now?" I asked and she moved over to the couch. She pulled her hair, which was dyed blonde on top and black underneath, up into a ponytail and kicked her feet onto her coffee table.

"I take it a little easy on the sparring. I have a match in a little over a month, so I need to keep up the training, but I can do it without getting physical with anyone for a while." She responded. I sat on a recliner opposite her and just stared.

"I'm at a fuckin' loss, Cat." I admitted. She frowned at me in confusion as I gestured to her. "You look like you could be a model. I'm trying to wrap my mind around you kicking ass in a cage."

"Well, you could always come to my match. I'm told that it's easier to accept once you've seen it in person." She offered and I nodded.

"I'll come," I said. I looked around the room and then back to her. "What are you doing now, though?" I asked and she pointed to the glass doors that lead to her back yard.

"In a couple hours and after I eat, I'm hitting the pool. Low impact exercises are fine with this." She said as she gestured to her ribs.

"Tell me you don't eat rabbit food." I demanded and she shook her head.

"Nope. Protein is a must." She responded and I nodded.

"Good. Then get a shower and meet me at mine. I'll feed you." I said as I stood. She got up and walked to the door with me, tilting her head as I stepped over the threshold.

"I don't feel like you actually asked me, Marshall." Cat commented and I nodded as I put my hands in my pockets.

"But you're coming over anyway." I said, smiling at her. She returned the gesture with a nod and a point to my face.

"The cute, bad boy thing will only get you so far, Marshall." Cat said. "After that, you're going to have to show me something else." I grinned wickedly as I leaned down to her ear to speak before I walked away.

"I'll show you whatever you want."

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