Chapter One

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I'd always read in books or seen in movies that when you die, a family member or someone you love guides you into a white light. I'm not saying that's wrong, but that isn't how I died.

'Rachel, we should really be getting home now.' I could barely hear myself over the music blaring in the background. I couldn't believe I'd let her convince me to come here, to some girl I didn't even know's house for a party I wasn't invited to. I'd had a terrible gut feeling that I wasn't supposed to be here, and that feeling just kept getting stronger each time Rachel would say 'Nikki, relax' or 'Have a drink'. But now, I could feel my stomach eating itself from the inside. 'You shouldn't be here!' I kept thinking. 'Nikki relax! It's a party, your supposed to be having fun!' Rachel said taking another tequila shot. I turned and walked toward the door. 'Where are you going?' She asked. 'Home.' I called striding towards my car. Rachel followed close at my heels 'But how am I supposed to get home then?' 'Your welcome to join me.' I opened up the passenger side. She huffed and climbed into the car. The ride was quiet for the most part, I'd dropped Rachel off at her house and was almost home when it happened. Some psychopath in a bright red sports car came speeding down the highway. I tried to move out the way but, unfortunately, there really isn't much space for hiding when your surrounded by cars. They crashed right into me from the back, jolting me forward only to be snapped back by the seatbelt and pounded by the airbags.

This is supposed to be the part where that white light comes and your guided to heaven or nirvana or wherever. So when I finally suffocated under those airbags, that's what I was expecting. But instead, I opened my eyes and sat in a wooden chair. My shorts and tank top were replaced with a long white dress. The space around me was pitch black and completely empty.

"Hello?" I called, my voice breaking. There was a flicker of light that shot through the air, and then the darkness erupted into sound. This was the 'life flashing before your eyes' thing I'd heard of in movies. Only, sixteen years really isn't that much life to have to go through and it seemed to have only lasted a minute. 'Where am I?' I thought. Even though the whole life flashback thing had finished, it kept playing over and over. Each time I watched, I kept noticing little things I really regretted. After the fourth time I'd watched it, I was getting pissed off. I mean come on, I'd already lived through the whole thing!

"Is there a reason I'm watching this?" I shouted folding my arms over my chest. "Or do you just like watching all the things I've screwed up in life?"

"Sorry, I guess I just got a little caught up." a voice called. As soon as I blinked, the dark area was gone. In its place was a gorgeous little cemetery. Sunlight shone through Spanish moss hanging from the trees, the grass was dotted with flowers, and right on top of one of the hills was a large stone mausoleum.

"Is that mine?" I asked.

"For now," the voice said. I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"What do you mean 'for now'?"

"That means that you won't be staying here for long."



Hey guys! I feel like that chapter was too short, but I don't want to add on to it. So what do you think of my story so far? I really wanna hear from you! Are there any improvements I should make in the next chapter? I know I didn't really do such a great job on this one but I'm still not really 100% sure where I'm going with this yet. Oh well! Comment if there's anything you want me to know.

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