what is that black line on the side?? Am I the only one who can see that?))
Sooo there's this cat roaming around the school, (we have three cats but I like 'butter the most. Her eye seemed like it was poked, and she's blind in that eye. She loves petting haha.) (We name's her butter because she has a black spot on her back that looks like an anchor, and according to a friend that's the brand of some kind of butter. Idc if I had no research I think it's a nice name.) and she's the best cat, and I love to pet her. So once when I did she tried to bite my hand. (Yes, I'm okay, it didn't destroy the skin.) I still pet her, because wHO CARES IF SHE'D BITE ME I DON'T.
"Art book" 2
DiversosA second art book :0 I update once I have enough art to my liking ^^ so ples be patient