2 Peter 3 v 9: "The Lord is not slow in keeping *His promise* as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."The Lord is extremely patient for people to reconsider their ways and return to Him. It has now been over 2000 years that Jesus left and promised to come back and yet desiring to give people a chance to be reconciled with the One who created them, He still chooses to wait.
The patience of God towards mankind has even become a topic of laughter. Many say: "If God truly intended to punish evil i would have been dead by now, so i still have time.
I am still young, let me have fun".
Some say that only one day when I become old and no longer have the drive to have fun, then I will have a reason to repent.Proverbs 29 v 1 says: "A man who remains stiff-necked after much reproof will suddenly be shattered beyond recovery."
God is surelly extremely slow to punish evil. Romans 2 v 4 says: "Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you?
Does this mean nothing to you?
Can't you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?"
However those who cannot see His love for them in waiting for us to change fall into a bigger trap.
Waiting on the patience of God has a reverse effect in that the more people wait to change, the harder their hearts also become and make it even more difficult for them to change.
There comes a place were the root are so deep in evil that even if people could see Jesus 5 minutes away from them, they hearts would be so *harden* that they wouldn't be able to repent anymore and would just accept their damnation.As Christians we both have the responsibility to not take God's Patience for granted but also to *Pray* and continuously *share the Word* with those who are not reconcile with God. It is not that people cannot change but rather that some people's hearts have become like a *dry land* that can no longer produce vegetation. Fortunately the Word of God is both likened to the *Rain* that can soften any hardened soil when we discipline ourselves to pray for people. Furthermore it is also likened to a seed which once shared, is planted in a person's heart and can then produce a beautiful tree. The key to revival is not only sharing the Word but offering intense prayers for the salvation of souls. But many nowdays only wait for people to already be dead to then begin to cry for them before God, while they never shed a single tear to God when those people are alive.
Do not wait for your friends, your family, your nation to be lost forever to then say: "It is very unfortunate". People can be saved but the question is: "Are you also waiting on God's judgment to finally fall or are you doing your part?"
God is not waiting for us to wait as well, but for us to be busy with *OUR PART*. But are you praying for the salvation of people or are you only preoccupied waiting for your own blessings? If only we could get our eyes off ourselves and focus on others as we await for God to bless us, we would notice that God is actually not taking time to fulfil His promises and we would not only be blessed but also save many souls.
God is only perceived as being slow when people are preoccupied on the wrong things.
God bless you🙏🏽Psalm 2 v 8: "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession"
Heavenly Father help me to not take your grace for granted and give me a passion for souls.
Ĺet salvation come to my friends, family and the nation in Jesus name. Amen
Intentional Living
AventuraDaily Devotion Effective people are intentional with the way they live their lives. Nothing happens by chance You become what you commit to