Chapter Twelve: Fight With A Passion

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Chapter Twelve: Fight With A Passion

Finn's POV:

  My knuckles turned white, my palms getting sweaty. None of it mattered because of the problems I faced.

  It's not like I'm going to kill Princess Bubblegum or anything. I just had a few questions. A few questions that ended up turning into something else. I wasn't stable, I knew I would wind up snapping if pushed too far.

  I should have never came here.

  Now I stand with a sword near Bubblegum's neck, her being pinned up against a wall, and me with a tight grip ready to lash out.

  ~Once I'm standing outside the gate, I tighten my grip on the sword and stare straight ahead.

  "Now to even the score,"

  I walk towards the castle trying to formulate a few questions for me to ask other than just why. I didn't want to, nor did I plan to, hurt anyone at all. I was more or less still blinded by rage.

  "Just turn back," my mind said. Ignoring the message, I continued walking, the sword dragging behind me screeching against the ground.

  I was doing it all for Flame Princess, and I know exactly what I would say if she was able to overcome this and be okay again, "you're the only one, the only one who can get to me," because it's true that I need her to be okay, just like I need air breathe.

  All I truly knew is, that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she died, knowing that there might've been some way for me to stop it.

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