Chapter 1

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“Babe! Are you ready!?” grabbing my heels I  run out of our room, slipping them on almost tripping down the stairs “done!” my breaths comes out rapidly as I stare at my boyfriend, he smiles and walks towards me “let’s go, Damien must be waiting for us” he wraps his arm around my waist as we exit our house.

He leaves to get the car out of the garage as I tell the housekeeper that we will be back in the afternoon. Daniel’s Audi parks in front of me, one of his new addition “jump in” he smirks at me as I get into the car “now, a question about your brother…… Should I be worried?” he let’s out a loud laugh “Damien has always been a rebel within the family and that’s why he was sent to Military school so if you asking for trouble...... Yes” I nod as we drive towards the airport, Daniel rest his hand on my thigh making me quiver to his touch.

Today, Daniel’s brother is coming back home. His going to stay with us because when Daniel told his parents that Damien is back they immediately said they don’t want him staying with them….. I wonder how bad could he be that his own parents don’t want him home?

I tap my fingers on my lap, drumming it to the beat of the music. Today’s a very busy day, after we pick Damien up, we have to go for lunch to Daniel’s parents house and that’s why I’m dressed in a long fitting black dress. I look down at my long painted nails and the beautiful promise sitting on my finger.

Right after we graduated, Daniel’s dad, Steven gave him more control to the family business immediately since Daniel was working in the business while he was schooling and that’s how Daniel got us our beautiful 3 story mansion. I look at him as I smile, we been strong together for 4 years, we started of as best friends and after a few months he asked me out.

I see him smirk and he pinches my thigh “I know I look good but if you keep staring then something might happen-“ he glances at me, letting his eyes run down my body “I might not be able to hold myself back” I shake my head with a small smile on my face “keep dreaming” he licks his lips “I will”

After Daniel took over his father’s business, he hardly spends time with me. He leaves home before I wake up and comes home late at night, sometimes I get tired of waiting for him but I know his busy so with every moment we have, I appreciate it.

“we here, babe” he parks the car as I open the door and get out, been extra careful with my heels. Daniel walks to my side and wraps an arm around my waist, leading us to the entrance of the airport, we walk inside and everyone looks at us. I hear whispering and I look at Daniel in shock “you didn’t bring your guards with you” he smirks down at me “you really think I’m unprepared, don’t you?” I frown at his choice of words but he points behind us.

I spin on my heels as I see all his bodyguards standing behind us “I got them to arrive here before we did” I nod as we walk to where all the passengers stood, waiting for their families or friends “where is he?” I ask Daniel, crossing my arms but he just shrugs “why don’t you call him?” he nods and takes his phone out from his pants but as his about to make the call, he looks up “I don’t think I need to make the call”

My eyes wonder to where his gaze is and I feel my heart beat increase, my eyes widen and I feel my hands getting sweaty. An exact duplicate of Daniel stood on the escalator, making his way down while winking at a blonde girl next to him. His black leather jacket fitted him well showing his biceps, his black t-shirt showed his well defined abs and his black ripped jeans showed how much confidence he has. He flings his duffel bag over his shoulder and diverts his gaze around the airport until it lands on his brother, a scowl passes his face but he quickly smirks.

I nudge Daniel “how the hell didn’t you mention that's your twin!?” he smiles and just ignores me, I roll my eyes but my breath quickens when I see his so called twin ‘Damien’ walk towards us “My brother!” he shouts as bodyguards surrounds us, making sure people don’t attack like the last time.

Damien grabs Daniel and pats his back aggressively? “Damien! How are you bro?” they pull away from each other “how much better can I get when my family sent me away when I was-“ His hand stops mid way through his hair and his daze drifts towards me, a frown takes over his face “who is this?” he asks, harshly “this is Skylar, my girlfriend”

I look into his light brown eyes the same as Daniel’s, he holds out his hand “nice to meet you, Skylar” the way my name rolls out of his tongue gives me shivers, I lift my hand to shake his but when our skin touches a sweat drips down my back, my body heats up and my face goes red “nice to finally meet you as well” sensing what an effect he has on me, he smirks “ah I’m going to have fun” he takes his lip into his mouth “Sir, your suitcase” a lady hands him his black suitcase as he nods and she walks away.

Daniel rolls his eyes “take his bags and drop it of at home” Damien hands his duffle bag and suitcase to the guard next to him “don’t open it, you might find a dead body” we all look at him weirdly as his seriousness confuses us but he burst into a fit of laughter “just kidding dude, you may go”

We all walk out of the airport, both twin brothers on either side of me, one which is my boyfriend and one which held such a different personality and perspective about the world “we going for lunch to mum and dad’s” Daniel says but suddenly Damien freezes “I’m not going to that house, Daniel” his voice cold as ice, his gaze fixed to the ground “please don’t do this now Damien, I just want them to see you and you been gone for 9 years” I frown and look at Damien. His been gone for 9 years and his parents don’t want to see him?

I walk towards him “I don’t want to get involved because I know it’s not my place but if your parents haven’t seen you for 9 years, don’t you want to see them?” his eyes meets mine and I step back, fearing the evil glitch in his eyes “you right……. This is not your place so shut it” Daniel is about to step in but I stop him “Damien, I’m not up for bull shit okay……. I think we all know that your parents are not people who can easily be impressed so I’m worried about been a proper individual at the moment and you are testing my patience so I suggest we all get in the damn car so people stop staring at us and I can get out of this dress soon”

I expect a arrogant reply but his lips twitches and a smirk is presented on his face, he looks at Daniel and says something that sends sweat dripping down my body “nice one you got here, I like her, she’s feisty”

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