Chapter 8

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"grab the handles!" my hands tremble as I lean forward, gripping the handles while Damien moves his hands from under and puts its over mine "chill, you got this" he whispers. I smile as we drive down the neighborhood.

I feel Damien removing his right hand "NO!" I start panicking but he wraps his arm around my waist "I'm here, don't panic" his hand brushes my wet hair of my face. I smile and lean into his touch "you cute" he mumbles. I look forward, avoiding him because I'm currently red....... "wait, what!?" I shake my head, coming back to reality. What the hell I'm I doing?

I push myself away from him, not realizing what's been going on "this is-" I see headlights heading our way but it wasn't clear due to the rain "SKYLAR!" Damien shouts, leaning forward and taking control over the bike.

He swivels out of the way, my eyes is glued open as I see everything unfold. My hands drop to my side and I feel my body slowly slipping of the bike. I'm about to fall over but he wraps one arm around my waist holding me down in place. I feel so dumb, I want to do something to help but I'm just so...... Stuck "Skylar! Grab the brakes!" Damien shouts in my ear as I squint my eyes down, looking at the brakes.

I close my eyes, trying to bring myself back to reality. I snap my eyes back open, grabbing the brakes and pressing it down, the bike comes to a stop and the whole bike jerks forward but Damien pushes his weight down, pushing it to the ground. I sigh and run my hands through my wet hair "What were you thinking!?" he jumps out of the bike and paces around, I look up and observe him, rain pours down his black hair and his hands clenched into a fist. His pacing starts getting me nervous "please stop" I mumble, looking away.

"PLEASE STOP!? THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY!" I flinch and turn away from him. I know it's all my fault but I just went in shock and didn't know what to do. I jump down of the bike, crossing my arms, feeling the cold water of the rain hit my tender skin, I drop my head down, staring at my shoes, avoiding Damien. My mind drifts off to the day my parents died, I was only 11 when it all happened.

Dad and I just got home after going to the park, he made it his mission on taking me to the park every Sunday. We got home and mum was busy cooking her amazing saucy chicken "how was your guys day out?" she smiled but never took her eyes of the stove, dad kissed her cheek as I climbed up the bar stool, placing myself on the counter top "dad and I were playing catch" I giggled when I thought of how dad almost fell into the ditch, he always didn't pay attention to where he walked "that's good, glad you guys enjoyed your day out" she wiped her hand on her blue apron and turned around, smiling at me "change your shoes, we have to pick Maddie up from her friends house"

I ran upstairs into my bedroom and changed my dirty white sneakers into black sandals, I hurried back down but stopped when I heard whispering "you will live to see them get married and to see your grandchildren, don't worry my love" I felt my body freeze and my mind clog, what were they talking about? "I'm at my stage 4 of cancer DAVID! this wig is soon going to fall and I'm going to die" she mumbled the last few words and that's the day I felt my world turn upside down.

We left the house after that and I kept quiet the whole time mum drove but I couldn't help myself "you got cancer mum?" my voice cracked and I was afraid to know the answer even though I already knew it, she froze and the car drifted to the next lane.......

"SKYLAR!!" I fall to the wet concrete ground, Damien's arms around my body trying to hold me all together "he tried! He tried to save us but he blamed himself!" I grip onto Damien for my dear life, feeling the pain of that particular day, 1st of April, yes April fools day..... And that day did make a fool out of me.

I cry into his arms, letting all the bottled up tears fall free "he blamed himself but it was never his fault! If he didn't take his life, I wouldn't be here!" dad survived the accident but mum didn't, after a few weeks on the 25th of May, I came home from school while Maddison went out with her friends and found my father's body hanging from the ceiling.

I screamed and cried but nobody came, the neighbours were all at work and nobody was there to help. I was so numb to even get up and grab the phone that sat a few meters away from me, but I blame myself because once Maddison got home which was 2 hours later, she ran out of the house and got the neighbour. Once we rushed dad to the hospital, I knew it was too late but Maddison was putting on with me.

Once the doctor came out and told us that our dad, my dad...... The dad I admired as I grew up, the dad who provided for our family every single day and the dad who loved endlessly was died. I knew it was my fault because they said if we brought him earlier then it was possible he would of survived. I lost both my parents, Maddison lost both her parents but she also lost herself.

Maddison started sleeping with guys at the age of 16, she would flirt and sleep with the guys at the orphanage. She carried herself loosely and always treated me like an outcast, she would sneak out of the orphanage and only come back at 4 in the morning with bruises all over her body. I never questioned her because she would get all defensive and try to attack me.

It was until August 17 when she introduced me to Jason, her husband. He was 6 years older than her and he was a drug dealer, when he met me, he gave me funny looks and always found a moment to be alone with me until it was December 9 when he finally got the chance, he tried to force himself on me. I pushed him away but he came back for me, we both froze when we heard the stuttering of glass.

Our eyes drifted to the door way where Maddison stood with tears present in her eyes. I ran into her and I was so confused when she didn't embrace me but she pushed me away, I thought she was going to blame me but she stormed up to Jason and slapped him.

You may be wondering, why did she marry him after all that he has done? No, she didn't marry him willingly, he forced her too and he used me as the threat. I know she loves me but his brain washing her...... "Sky" hot breath fans over my ear, I snap my head to the side and feel my cheek brush against Damien's soft pink lips. I pull away but he pulls me back into him, I look into his eyes - his deep brown eyes "are you okay?" he whispers, putting his lips on my ear.

I take a deep breath in "you kind of hurting my wound" I mumble, I feel him smirk against my ear as he loosens his grip around me "I'm I hurting you now?" I shake my head slightly "no" I lean my head on his shoulder, while his lips still brush against my ear "perfect"

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