Chapter 5

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“I don’t appreciate the way you speaking to me” honestly I have no reply to what he just said “and I don’t appreciate you meddling into my business” he spins around and disappears down the hallway. I take in a deep breath don’t get angry, don’t get angry, you can do this.

Adjusting my top, I walk to the kitchen “get a car ready for me, I’ll be down in 5” I announce, one maid hurries out of the kitchen to get a car ready. I jog upstairs to collect my purse and gun, I ring up Daniel but it goes to voice mail “whatever” walking back downstairs, I tuck my phone and gun in my purse “ma’am your car is ready” I thank her “if I’m not home by the time Mr Ellis is back please give me a call” she bows her head and leaves.

I get into the car and drive of to my destination while drumming my fingers on the wheel. I miss my parents, if they were still here in this world then Madison would never behave the way she is and we would have been close like before. Mum would always bring us together after a fight ‘you will soon realize the importance of sisters’ that was mums favourite words when Madison and I fought.

I park my car in front of the familiar abounded building, getting out of the car and now tucking my gun in my jeans. I push open the rusted doors and immediately the smell of drugs fill my nose “Sky!” I spin around and see my dealer “hey, I’m here-“ I frown when he drops to the ground. A yelp escapes my mouth when I hear gunshots, immediately I reach for my gun but feel a cold metal press on my temple “drop it” hot breath fans over my ear, I’m about to drop my weapon but freeze when I hear his voice.

I snap my head to the direction of his voice to see Damien, my eyes linger down his body as I catch sight of his hands that are stained with blood…… His own or others? I have no clue. The guy next to me yanks my hair back and I immediately knee him, spinning around I kick him making sure he losses his balance “Damien!” I shout, running towards him. He looks at me and his eyes widen but he quickly turns away and disappears “what the hell!?” I freeze and look at the spot he once stood at I’m I dreaming? Or was he really there?

I take a step forward, ready to go look for him but a gun shot goes off. I move my hand and tap my lower back, bringing my hand in front of my eyes I see blood cover my once clean palm. My knees give up under me and I fall to the ground, my body feels numb even though this is not the first time I got shot.

I grab the gun from my jeans, dropping flat down to the ground while facing the guy and BAM his hunky body falls face first and blood surrounds him. I stand up with great difficulty, I walk towards where most of the gunshots are heard with my gun close to my chest. I shoot the guy to my right before he could tackle me down, why are they under attack this time of the day!?

Walking out in the open, I see him….. So I wasn’t dreaming after all. I smirk and walk up behind him as I grit my teeth when pain claws it’s way out, he hears my heels and spins around ready to shoot but I grab his arm just in time “I don’t think you want to shoot your brother’s girlfriend, do you?” my smirk soon wipes of my face when he signals his men to surround me “beautiful, drop your gun now or else I will blow that pretty little brains of yours”

His words just sends my gun crashing to the concrete floor “that’s right sweetheart” Damien snaps his head to one of the men who spoke “don’t interrupt!” he shouts and then turns his attention back to me, I look behind him and gulp, everyone from my dealers gang is dead. I look around trying to figure out a way to escape “nah nah nah don’t try to use that little mind to find a way to escape”

I sigh and lower my head “how do you always know what I’m thinking!” I groan out because the pain is getting worst but I made it seem like an expression, not wanting him to use my wound as a weakness. I look around me and see all the men checking me out and god do I feel uncomfortable “our job is done here, clean up the mess and leave afterwards!” Damien grabs a hold of my arm “let me go!” I try fighting him but simply fail to do so “shut up!” he grits his teeth at me.

My mouth stays shut as he tags me along behind him, I winch when the bullet wound starts hurting “get in!” he throws me forward and I lift my arms in front of me to protect myself from hitting into the car, I open the door and get in but immediately winch. He puts his seat belt on and turns towards me “what now!?” I shake my head, not wanting to tell him “you can get one of the drivers to get your car later on”

He reverses out of the parking lot and heads out of the area, I fiddle with my fingers and hum a tone trying to not start a conversation “why were you there?” he definitely reads minds “I don’t need to answer you” I turn my head away from him but hear a bang, I jump up from my seat “what is wrong with you!?” I pulls my knees close to my body, trying to stay far away from him.

“you don’t fucking understand! I need to know why were you there?” I frown when I see how much stress is evident on his face “I get my drugs from there” I mumble. Yes, I do drugs. I only started doing drugs when I met Daniel’s family, I’m not an addict but when I’m stressed out I just turn towards the options of getting high “What!?” Damien starts laughing and quickly glances at me “I never thought a girl like you would be taking drugs”

I roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair but winch again and struggle out a few words “it’s not funny Damien” I’m not proud of myself but if it is a gateway for my problems, then I’ll do it “what’s wrong?” I frown at him “what?” he pulls up and turns around “are you hurt?” I give him a nervous laugh “nothing I can’t take care of” I move front and show him my injury “what the actual fuck!” his mouth is slightly ajar and he looks at me in shock “this is serious!” he screams at me.

He leans over me and starts looking for something “what are you doing?” I move back so I don’t get hurt “does Daniel not bloody keep a first aid in his car!?” I raise my eyebrow, his muscles move as it clearly shows through his t-shirt, my mind becomes clouded as I stare at his back while not paying attention to my bullet wound “Sky!” I blink “What?” I narrow my eyes at him, waiting for his response but I get a heavy sigh “does Daniel have a first aid in his car?” he asks me again but this time much slower “nope” he face palms himself and goes back to his side of the vehicle “how the hell are you so calm?” I ignore him, he starts driving but takes a U-turn “where are you going?” I ask him, wondering why he took a U-turn “we need to get that wound sorted out” not to long into the drive he stops at a small petrol station “I’ll be right back”

I stare outside, looking at all the people coming in and out. Families laugh and joke about while their teenagers roll their eyes and tap away on their phones, don’t get me wrong….. I’m still a teenager, I mean I’m 19 years old but I kind of learnt the importance of having your family around. I tilt my head to the side as I see Damien exit the shop with a plastic in his right hand which is washed up and no stains of blood is visible and a cigarette in his other, why would he smoke at a petrol station? I roll my eyes at his careless behaviour but honestly I don’t mind if he blows this station up and he dies……. I’m not joking, I’m hundred and one percent serious about this.

He opens the car door, dropping his cigarette and removes a tissue from his back pocket, wiping the blood off the steering wheel “get in the back” I do as told and jump in the back but immediately regret it when I feel the pain increase “be careful” he whispers as I feel him sit behind me “remove your top” I pick it up and pull it over my head, leaving myself bare in front of him with only my black bra in sight “lean forward” I do so as I feel his cold hands brush against my upper back “what are you doing!?” I pull away but his arm wraps around my waist “this isn’t the first time you got shot?” he mumbles, tracing the 6 month old scar “that’s a story for another time”

He decides to ignore it and carry on with my new bullet scar “this is going to hurt, hold my hand” he gives me his hand, I hesitate but grab it when he pours liquid on my back which I presume is alcohol “I’m going to remove the bullet now” his hot, minty breath falls over me “just do it” I grit.

He laughs and looks back onto the streets “doing drugs is not you, beautiful” he states and that actually is a true fact “you don’t know anything about me Damien so don’t judge” I cross my arms and pray that this ride will end soon “why do you have a gun?” he asks me “it’s my father’s” I try to lie but fail miserably….. I suck at lying.

“I’m just going to act like that was not a lie because you the worst person to question” he sighs and shakes his head in disappointment, I flip my body and stare at him in disgrace “you are seriously getting on my bad side” I point my finger into his face but he hits it away “vice versa honey but I did tend to your wound so I deserve a thank you at least” I scroll at him and look outside the window trying to calm myself down “you aren’t getting any”

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