The Day Of The Hour Angel Appears part 1

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We see a long cabin in the woods home good loving Christian man name of Joshua framm same Joshua framm who lost childhood friend and brother Joshua framm have live in good western Colorado it was snowing you could see many deep through forest on this cold winter night josh lay there as look like bright field spring grass in the meadow was German shepherd hello Joshua said the shepherd hello who are you be frighten josh I'm your guardian angel my name Charlie barken why I'm I here mr barkin bless call Charlie well Charlie the well to be frank the guy up there in the great castle wants to meet you ok as walk Charlie leaf him through forest came around bridge they were greated by lion with scarlet mane greeting my friends oh that you Charlie yes Lord mufusa brought the one who Lord has called bring him in as they walk my Lord Christ this Joshua the one sent for as josh look at he saw man in his 20s or my years young long spikey brown hair wearing gotee like beard wore cargo pants gloves almost look person into sports wore crown on his with his giant key like blade as stood there greeting josh are you Jesus said josh yes I went by the name centuries most all here called Emmanuelle or Lord yeshua well why do you look younger I take many forms here spear to you like this only my friends great things josh i can see for myself sense i too Been watching you in your world but i sense much hardship you endured you miss your friend buddie he look like swell friend and I known many of my children and I see you have great by the way graduations on reviving me welcome to the family held his hand josh took it shake it. Why do you want to see me I'm Lord Emmanuelle please i get the name to much here call me sora and the reason i called you here josh come I like show you something as sora show josh courtyard there stood blade next a fountain sparkle mist as glitter like star this hearthsword or in another name sword of the spirit yep only few people pulled out one of my servants did it long ago I should say so your highness come my friend you don't need be like that I should say other aslan Peter I said were family so this is the one you told me about he is ah American welcome to heaven or in our tongue we called it narnia so why am here sire sora sighed again the whole zire thing is getting old and I wanted to test your heart I wanted to lift that sword out of the foundation ok as josh close his eyes tough the handle the blade glowed great blue light as it lossen pull it out it seems sting has chosen you you see Joshua the reason i wanted you to pull it out was see how strong you in your faith I want give you gift as pointed his keyblade to him as my son and child I here anniont you Joshua framm as seeker of truth with my right as king of throne present you this gift of my holy star it 8 point star with it shall communicate with all my children first off in misson near place in Africa I want to meet my servant Ronald Dean Stoppable tell him this star I gave you he will know what means thanks sora but why me you heart heart josh more humble king caring loving and joyful I sense care much for others it's fitting that you bring much light into this world I see it went to shambles faith like looking it's value and my good shepherd i place your country he is restoring to where want it to go but he made need help so I chose you josh to help him with this world suffering infact Africa is much like United States it needs to be restore to formal value that made it grow to rich beautiful eden if you need etheir help all of us just pray and we awnser your called my dear seeker of the truth the blade glowed next thing you see josh Is in a jungle as he grab his sword in sheathed. As walk he saw a cabin knock on the door man and woman of his age awnser him oh hello Lord bless you can i help you I was told to come and see you are Ronald Dean Stoppable I am he and this is Disney mininstry resort of the Disneyworld misson I'm the pastor of this mission well someone told me to talk to you really and just who that be he said I will show you this and you would know as place this star that sora gave him his wife Kimberley said Ron what is it he look at the star and a letter with seal of crown figures so you seen our king yes to my surprise he look young yes well he comes in many forms as read the letter so you are the one I have to trained really yes as Ronald father his saber with leather jacket and cowboy hat he said come with me takes him out backyard which of course was the whole jungle of Savannah as they walk to clearing ok what I'm going to train in homing your new gifts as kim out be carefully Ron go easy on she smiled ok as Ron run dashed josh close his eyes could feel strength Ron spead evade his upcoming strike Perry his blow as it was deflected well done again did next stage twice he deflected his attacks each time time Ron swing josh Perry each time Ron thrashed josh block good josh you have proved to withstand me by time done training outlock your gifts as seeker of truth.

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