The Narnian Musketeer part 5

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As Joshua held musketeer double shirt flock coat breeches stockings shiny shoes tricorner hat as stood also there Ronald took out longsword while too pair pistols and Viking axe as they stood with Kim grabing pair broadswords as each stood their as kopa kiara kion kovu vitani jasiri medoa fuli beshite bunga ono makini tifu zuri others of pride rock flat ridge rock stood those of the outlands simba nala zazu riki sarabi safarina as they look two army of banderlogs 10,000,000,000 strong and with them whole intire army of packs of jackles with both reirei her mate and her pups full grown with her brother tabacci and of course shere as josh the as firce strong wind blew from the south he gaze took his musket as Ron pull his longswords kim with her duel broadswords as they were narnian chantry musketeers I give one last chance said pointed the musket here me tyrants of ruined empires of isenguard and of mordor by the will aslan mane you all shall not pass i you fare warning Louie and Kahn of tash while still have you honor left so a son of Adam becomes the seeker of high king chantry very we not back down from is rightfully ours that's right child of aslan we rule this world then you leave me and my friends with no choice here me all free beasts here we take our stand of my father wisdom these lands of what we make of it and by aslan mane his will is plain must overthrough tyrants of his laws and as crimes committed with Louie and Kahn the council judgement begins by the right of battle of full circle begins as narnia code states the great kings duel shall be pass i in honor of my father aslan name i shall duel he son of tash oh shere Kahn for treachery of sins you committed against council by ancient laws of jungle of narnia so be it son of Adam face me as lays rifle down takes his sword sting as glowed they begin circle each other Kahn slashed josh Perry each time shere charge josh evaded you very skill hunter son of Adam but it takes more then skilled to best me we shall see shere Kahn rushing in fire like speed by also josh tuning in whirlwind speed to match fire with wind each crossing claws vs sword they struck and Perry each other blows as we here the music pirates of Caribbean with each turn as Kahn flew with pure rage josh slide underneath slashed and jab causing the great cat tumble and fell as everyone gasped for the pridelands and the outlands begin all narnian guards defend he quickly grab his musket open shot sprang hit a jackle fell then it was tabacci killed them kill them all with that came charging full speed well what are you fools waiting avenge shere Kahn as they all rush them Pridelanders to me said kovu you heard our brother for the great kings and for aslan himself let's show them what we Pridelanders out made of as he roar Pridelanders rush the oncoming jackle packs then josh slowly could here aslan speak my son close and here them coming slowly raise your musket with both ears open here as they come then remeber each paws passing then mark each one as you hear now both eyes open and fire one load release trigger as round flew like sling shot pierce as jackle the relode again as did return another shot again said aslan shot minute from other shot reloaded same process each time fire reloading fire reloading sound of pirate of Caribbean plays through then Ron pull both his pistols shot one jackle and one banderlog as he two reloaded as kim swashed each critter by her blades in perfect form kion and jasiri had flank the jackles and banderlogs by twos each countering the other as music still playing as rei cut down zebra and giraffe kopa taking down banderlog as kovu join him each with this war dance they pile each oppent one by one as as two saw many of her kind being pick off by that musket of Joshua she headed toward her direction as he saw her coming mile away he took his war axe evaded her incoming attack deflected her blows using his axe as shield tried lash her teeth only that he evaded her attack early I take your miss rei rei I presume indeed it's pleasure meeting you Joshua was it I look forward dueling you oh do you now let's play fetch as stroke each passing movement which she try to counter but he was too quick not bad she tried to loung only he block then he pulled sting out as they fought rei trouble predicting his movements this harder then I thought he said to herself hmm interesting this she critter trying figure my moves interesting as he move try to evade as she strike he block interesting josh you sense of dog sense you many things of my kind yah to much rei but if think you have the advantage you are sadly mistaking I wish you reconsider this what I say my fight is not of you but of simba please you much too noble of narnian that would like not too see slay by my jaws funny I was thinking the same thing but as you know it's out of hands sister of the jackles i will try to make this quick each lung she tried wave his axe to the left side and his sword to the right side rei took leap josh awayed her to land in the right position then like venus flytrap plant he close both arms in center struck her topble through I'm sister but you left me no choice funny you are second worthy beast that proud to duel my sister and my old friend simba he was the other friend I met I guest this is my last battle you are worthy warrior of all jackles said Joshua I pray you find peace don't blame my kids they were following my teachings I taught them the wrong path seeker josh take care of them and my mate he like me went away from laws of the jungle maybe you can help both of them back i will give you my word I shall be done rest in piece sister slowly got up lick josh in cheek farewell my beloved son Joshua then rei rei jackle was no more welcome dear rei as she woke up she saw she was In the great circle of life as there was Charlie barkin greetings rei welcome narnia circle of the kings of the past.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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