Studying The Virtues Within part4

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As josh got know everyone taught them much of skiing in frost seasons he showed them alot and during his time and through many he saw much with time learn about the family of pride rock in return they also to learn about him he and Ron would talk about all things of circle of heaven and everything more he learn how deeply they were devoted it was this point that from across he saw unknown tiger with jackles packs with them serval amongst them was armies of monkeys they called the banderlogs lead by the tyrant king Louie who most displeased of these Pridelanders as you can see zire it as I predicted outlands have turn against monkey city so it would seem shere Kahn and thanks to queen kiara and king kovu what's to you who are you hohoho ah kion is it son of simba son nala great ere king ahadi your pridelands always tenticy to over step your bounds and you high king simba high queen nala your rember days old council rock it was your grandfather king ahadi broke the jungle laws of circle is that right you may think so king Louie oh yes remeber you although it pity you haven't departed I've treason your banderlogs to the outlands my grandfather as you was outsider suffer cruity of it all the banderlog destroy the peace of so called ancient council rock it was your sister that help restore the old council and outlawed teachings of high aslan to band from the council records you banned all narnian faith outside the outlands yes I did because unlike you Pridelanders old mordor ruined there high king aslan outlaw my kind of my anchester king shift as I thought it was your band all teachings of kings of the past and for this you and of the banderlog are unwelcome her king Louie ere to king shift I would advise to leave why still canned as for high shere Kahn you most of all are welcome so high king simba we oparians and banderlogs are not welcome let be said next time we come we sit these lands into flames shall burn destroy these lands you do and there shall be war then it is as you said we shall have war then I king kovu as with queen kiara both under these lands shall be restore to new narnia one of which that of bree that of shire of lost world all free beasts in their place my mate and I by the permission of the great kings of narnia past reastablish a new land like that of old narnia of high king Peter in this land i shall animalia the land free of all beasts a kingdom like that narnia of old in place shall be new council rock in the days of plenty we shall to the ground the morgoth of ape city and of opar so shall be said upon Lord aslan mane it will ever be spring again so this new narnia kings and queens of new so shall said shall it be it then as they roar the biggest roar out another match and oh father akela valor of all creation shall say unto ye children of tash shall be curse for treasonous deeds against my laws and so I to say as son of akela I high king aslan here by with my father creed shall be for filled with then as it was old then shall be come new and shall be son of Adam of my bloodline new deliver that I shall oppoint he shall bare like that of great kings of the past whome I train personally under my athourthy as Lord mowgli Lord tarzan Lord Lee shall be new ere and as written in old so shall be written the name framm shall be equal to that of pevensie I high king aslan bare it holy mark of seal of lion then shere Kahn snarled that it shall be as you said come we must prepare ourselves for war as they left as you all heard from the mouths of seed of tash they shall to raise the new narnia of old we must stand against but first because all of you stood against them with humble hearts shall restore the new narnian guards of narnian crusaders of holy circle chantry of my kings temples as seeker Joshua come kneel my son came place face by my will and the will of my son blood for the your sins and sins of my whole creations and spirit of my will i anoith thee true Lord keyblader of living word of my virtues of my teaching as you honor them in my heart then bestow the as new knight of circle of narnia king aslan son aye my father by will of my father and the will of our ancient narnia laws bestor bestow thee musket of shot of light with shots like Dragon fire they bared the mark of holy air which guide them to mark and never miss in these i bestow pistols of hope for with these direct my roar as pierce even strongest of heartless with these you also shall have my heart to know when right to prepell them as these as my living virtues bare them well you have slay many foes from far away as you shall true narnian musketeer thank my Lord family for these gifts no it us that thank you my son for your steadfast faith you shall see many wonders ahead keep exploring my virtues you shall how to unlock my lands within my kingdom he is right my dear ere you have both me your Lord king father in your heart never be afraid and shall stand with to end and to beginning for this was promise to father Adam and your mother eve shall forfill days when my creations shall be restore as made that vow long ago shall honor that sacred vow I made to my children loving father who loves all his pups.

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