The Books Of Virtues part 3

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As they led josh to the treasure there were two books in two class jars one silver and grey each had strange seals two stars one blook of life other book of death both hold two keys there go dear seeker as you can see there book of virtues you seek as well as Tolkien of trust we both hold our word interesting you are both Correct though I must examine them my dear ladies these books hold key to the balance of our worlds wouldn't you both tempted to mess with them to fully make sure you are not tempted to brake your oath further you don't mind if keep you both on leashed on safe side my seeker you cautious fellow even with both my sister gave you our word him as the old saying goes one cannot judge book by cover alone one has to read cover top to cover see if it is as appears to be I see very well to easy your coniance we honor further your request I hope by then you shall honor your word in return as they say what man show into you do ye unto them yes said la very wisdom not many them nor have I said kaa it seems sister this one lives up the virtues he study in his heart yes very rare treasure to be hold maybe he shall pass our test we shall soon see sister said both kaa and la as josh look at the books grab sting again blessed sword of spirit ask thee to create barrier so that shield from any trap of your enemy so gain your strength in your will alone with that sting sent great aura light that created barrier as it happen the books cases then vanished with the first book it was made silver cover holding star of the king sealed with sword truth sealed unlocked then book open as apear in meets book of wisdom as read he then was now in different plain was that look like still Africa but somewhere in sergeti he sees many creatures gather sees two creatures more like three two lions to be axacted one was what he saw was he found Ronald his trainer Ronald stoppable with him were two lions one was name kiara the other kovu two rulers one from pridelands the other from outlands hmm let me see in and out up and below one land of light the other darkness one raise light upbringing the other oppersite found wisdom in light hmmm intriguing north to right hand of Leo left to the hand of Scorpio hmmm looks like I must figure virtue of this kingdom key as josh continue on it was then that Ronald with his wife Kimberley had both saw great things for this was story of two worlds that became of whole for when land became one so did story became whole but all stories as they end in happiness for when the days of old became new so the new become as the virtue young josh shall discover as we see both king kovu and ravend Ronald blessing both kovu while his friend makini bless the queen it was the that great wolf appear bless you my children said two creatures one old wolf the old lion one was name Peter the other mufusa as both refiki gasp as well as safferina then the other lionesses my lords said Revend Ronald how can this peace be with servant of great king we have to inform that great aslan has ask for another to come has key to long histroy pass for he amongst us now bare the will of our savior as everyone gosping peace my friends Lord mufusa speaks true as high king of the outlands once long ago narnia of old our legacy forgotten through it on this so occasion that second son of Adam has appear respect as you once respect us come son of Adam Joshua framm son of high king peterpevensie as josh came look could possible come my ere do you not recognize me for you of my kin your father I guided on journey and how guided you by heavenly father council sir are what do you mean ere my son you forgotten long ago but it I who was sent to you i help brought your brother buddy who became good friend to you it was also that help you not feel loness anymore the heavenly new as saw you as your father had pass you live sad hard life forgetting everyone around you so I had help you find new life again here is your brother watching you now for even if gone his children live on do not be weary Joshua come meet my friends this king kovu his mate queen kiara the wise Ronald have we met before um Joshua josh smirk one day we will but not in this world funny because felt like some how we met I too Ron feel the sameway well I just arrive and you must tired simba yes it my pleasure nala come Joshua as all the animals bowed come josh you must tell us where are you from my guesting in country far from here called north America or usa the same place I'm from which state Colorado funny great state a lot of snow only winter time Ron it must great getting to feel snow yah it's great always love to snow boarding and stuff no way really way booyah that's cool even kovu chuckle I bet you have to reach us snowboarding well kinda hard to reach you first have to get large piece of wood balance yourself sliding down the large snow slope hmm I could do that really said kiara last I check you couldn't even go down much upelli with me I still went with you if you remeber right hey I would like try to said kopa so would said kion Zukazama so would all of us said bunga dude looks like we all in favor of josh teaching snow boarding sense winter is coming up good idea to take early lessons what do you say just we really like to snowboard curse it one of my new sports alright it's deal.

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