~chapter 1~

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You must be Jesy. The women said we have been so excited to meet you. The man said, I said to them, I was excited to me you too.

Once we got inside they told me that they were my mom and dad. And that when I was born a bad man had taken me from the NICU. They also told me that they had been looking for me.

Well at least I know that they want me.

They told me I have s brother. His name is Teddy. As of on cue Teddy came through the door and started yelling Is she here.

Once he came into the living room and saw me it was like everything was lightning. He was in front of me and he was hugging me I hugged him back considering this is my new family.

I had asked all the question I had wanted to ask. But I had one more. "Should I call you Christian and Ana or mom and dad". Christian came and sat next to me he said we would like it if you called us mom and dad but only if that makes you comfortable. I wrapped my arms around his waist and told him thanks dad. I pulled back and his smile was bigger than the sun.

I said to them if I'm being honest I thought they were gonna put me in a home because all of the "family" I had hated me.

They just got up and hugged me. After our little moment mom and dad took me to my room. As they opened the door I gasped. The room was huge with a king sized bed in the middle with black sheets and black throw pillows. Mom and dad left me to explore and unpack my room. 

After an hour of two there came a knock on my door. I hollered at whoever it was to come in. Teddy came through the door with a smile on his face. i knew that meant something.

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