~Chapter 10~

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When I woke up I started to panic. I didn't know where I was until I looked over to see Ace sleeping in the chair across from my bed.

I reached my hand out and ran my fingers through his hair. He started to stir in his sleep and lifted his head and opened his eyes.

The second our eyes connected he stood up and hugged me.

"what happened? why am I here?" I asked as I looked around. "You were attacked Jess". "WHAT?" "At the mall you were attacked". From there I started to panic until Ace wrapped his arms around me. I don't know why but his arms give me a sense of comfort.

Not long after that my parents walked in and hugged me. Realization hit me like a brick wall. "Where are the girls?" I asked. "There with Taylor coming to see you" my dad told me.

The girls did come and stay with me for a while, but as soon as Ace left the room they were hounding me with questions. "Woah woah woah slow down. What?". "Are you and Ace a thing?" Jade asked. "No why?" "He hasn't left your side since we brought you here" Perrie told me.

When the girls left Ace came back in and sat by my bed, that's when I decided it was the best time to ask if what the girls said was true.

"Hey Ace?" "Yeah?"he asked as he looked at me. "The girls told me that you haven't left my side since you brought me here. Is that true?" I asked. "Maybe. Would it be a bad thing if it were" I just smiled at him and shook my head at him. He smiled back at me.

After our little moment of silence it got awkward. "Wanna watch a movie" I asked. "Sure" he said. I moved to get up in search of a movie and realized in still on the clothes I went to the mall in. I looked back at Ace and said "I'm going to change find a movie on Netflix or something" he just nodded in response. I picked out my clothes consisting of black Nike pro leggings and a over sized white knit sweater and changed in the bathroom.

When I came out I saw Ace sitting in his chair still

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When I came out I saw Ace sitting in his chair still. I just laughed at him. He stood from his chair and walked over to me and put his hands on my waist. "What's so funny babygirl" as soon as he said that I stopped laughing and looked down to hide my blush. Not long after I felt a hand lift my chin and my eyes met a pair of blue ones. Before I knew what was happening Ace's lips met my own.

When we finally pulled apart we were both gasping for breath. "Wanna watch that movie now?" I asked. When he nodded I smiled and moved to my bed.

We decided on watching lights out. The whole time Ace would kiss my forehead or whisper things in my ear to try and make me laugh. Eventually I was starting to doze of but I was determined to stay awake,Ace must have seen this because he whispered for me to go to sleep. So eventually I fell asleep in Ace's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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