~Chapter 6~

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Today was my first day of High school. I'm not that nervous considering Teddy will be there with me. The most nerve raking part will probably be my outfit. I don't want to stand out. 

I slipped on some black high wasted ripped skinny jeans and a plain cropped white tee. After that I went to my bathroom and applied some makeup. I topped off my outfit with a pair of white Adidas.

I was just finishing off my look when teddy walked in. "Hey whats up?¨ I asked. "I was just checking up on you. We need to leave soon". With that we walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Mom and dad met us downstairs. Dad said Taylor would be driving us. And with that we were out the door and on our way to school.

Once we were in the car Teddy turned to me and said "People are going to be staring at you but only because  your the new girl". "I figured as much¨. "If anyone messes with you or if anyone puts there hands on you you tell me and I will handle it". "Teddy slow down if anyone puts there hands on me they should be scared of what I will do to them". Teddy gave me a confused look but i just shrugged it off.

Once we arrived at school we got out of the car and everyone's eyes were on us. The girls were looking at Teddy like he was a sex god. And the guys were looking at me like they could get a piece,  some of the girls were glaring at me. I just brushed it off, if they have a problem with me they can take it up with me.

when we got to the office the desk lady looked up and smiled and said"You must be Jesy". I just smiled and nodded. She handed my schedule and Teddy led me to my first class. 

When i walked in the classroom everyone went quiet, the teacher looked up and smiled. I walked over to him and handed him my slip he took it and said "You must be ms. Grey". I just smiled and Said "Jesy is fine". "class this is Jesy she's new to the school so be nice to her, befriend her". One of the boys in the class looked at me and said "Oh we'll be best friends in the sheets". I just turned around and looked at him. "I Dare you to put your hands on me". He got up and walked towards me. when he was standing directly in front of me he grabbed my arm so i quickly took hold of his wrist and with my leg swiped his feet out form under him. To say the least the class was stunned.

when i was done with him I stepped up next to him and offered him a hand. When he took it i pulled him up and he gave me a high five. "I have a feeling were gonna be friends"I said to him he just smiled at me and nodded.

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